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Hassan Musa

Kenya 18 Sep - 10:41 AM

Assalamu Allaikum Ya Muslimun. Alhamdulillah and May Allah (SWA) Reward who ever create this webside bcos is "Educative to we the Muslem and non-muslem". This webside is one of my friend that recommend it to me i cant say the year but is very long time, Alhamdulillah i lent so much and i also been recommend this webside to my friends, coleque in the office even my boss. Alhadulillah we witness the fasting of RAMADAN 1430 THAT IS 18/9/2009 IN GOOD HEALTH. If we witness it next year 1431 Alhamdulillah if not still Alhamdulillah. Wasalam, Assalamu Allaikum From: Hassan Musa. Kaduna, Nigeria.

faatima zahra

South Africa 18 Sep - 06:02 AM

Asaalamu walaikum, jazakaallah for this website i`ve listen to all beautiful words about islam and it is a truly beatiful religion.


Uganda 16 Sep - 12:57 PM

Asalam alaeikum, am pleased wiyh how educative this website is, you can even keep sending me more Islamic information on my e-mail and i will be very glad and when we meet on yau-mul-qiyaamah, i believe we will enter JANNAH without hustle, jazakum kaira

shadab anjum

India 15 Sep - 05:44 AM

I really Appreciate owner of this site. This site so useful for who want to know about Islam. This is One of the Best site for islamic Knowledge.

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United States 14 Sep - 03:02 AM

Thank you very much for that informational entry.

kamagate .k

United States 12 Sep - 12:30 PM

Assalamu-allekum ramatulahe wabarakatu. May Allah bless all us for this life dunignan and life after. I can't stop thank you gars. I love the site and I gave to many people to check it up it so great I love it. It really help me to understand my religion. Thanks...........


South Africa 11 Sep - 09:27 AM

I am happy to find your web site, but i would like to know more about you.

Muhammad MubeenAtif

Pakistan 9 Sep - 11:40 PM

Nice site, you gets information about Islam.

Serman Prayogi

Indonesia 10 Aug - 01:11 PM

subhanallah... i love this website. i hope many people will know that islam is the best way to follow...:-)


Unknown 8 Aug - 04:40 PM

i have converted to Islam and i truly give thanks to this website. i now know my purpose in life to serve the Almighty one, ALLAH. May Allah bless u all in life and the hereafter.

Eze Nija

Togo 1 Aug - 04:00 PM

this is a nice site pls keep it up.


India 28 Jul - 10:17 AM

AOA Good site which made me muslim and I want everyone to accept religion but waiting for Allah to resource me to achieve my objective of converting everyone to Islam . Ameen FEE AMAN ALLAH ASHAD


Sri Lanka 28 Jul - 04:16 AM

Assalamu Allikum. Thank you for a very informative, interesting and enlightning web site. I am a regular on this site and enjoy every moment here. I have given this web link on my facebook with the sole purpose of giving non believers an opportunity to get to know about the one true God Allah Subhanallah Thala. May the Lord bless you'll for your service to Islam Jazakallahul Kair Rukshana


Unknown 27 Jul - 12:58 AM

The best information i have found exactly here. Keep going Thank you

Muhammad Chand

India 25 Jul - 08:55 AM



Germany 25 Jul - 02:15 AM

I enjoy reading your blog. Thanks.


Germany 24 Jul - 08:28 PM

I used this site to get information for that i had in my class. This is an excellent site for this information


Unknown 23 Jul - 10:49 AM

I become Muslim week on saturday and i didn't have a clue how to become, since i have just read this website now i know. Can't wait to become Muslim....

sofie cooper

Unknown 22 Jul - 06:09 PM

After many years of being a strict catholic ....i lost faith through differant things in my life I decided over a year ago to search for faith in Islam .... but unitl now i was in denial ....i realise that Islam is the only way and i feel i am ready to convert

Syed Ali Khizir Imam

Saudi Arabia 21 Jul - 07:26 AM

I loved it . It is wonderful . What it is doing is really the need of the hour . It is our prime duty to pass on the message delivered by our beloved Prophet - the rahmatul lilaalameen to whole of non - muslim world . The Religion Of Islam is of course on of the best idea .


Germany 19 Jul - 11:22 PM

Topic of your article is very interesting, i have bookmarked your blog, regards


Germany 19 Jul - 08:17 PM

This is a very beautiful website, I have enjoyed my visit here very much. I'm very honoured to sign in your guestbook. Thanking you for the great work that you are doing here.


India 16 Jul - 12:09 PM

I really thanks to Allah who suggest me to visit this site.I change my religion and nw I m muslim that I m very happy.

Muhammad Sajid

United Arab Emirates 16 Jul - 09:45 AM

Asalam o Alikum to all team of this web site, which includes realy authentic intformation about islam and muslim, we sugest to all who ever see this site, please distribute in your comunity muslim or non-muslim just to read and know about islam. As many peoples don't have good knowledge of islam. This will realy helpfull for all and it will be reward for whom he/she will distribute. Jazzak Allah

Fatima Dali Ali

Unknown 14 Jul - 05:17 PM

Al slam Alikoum. Im here to find my way to what my heart a hispanick female raised in a catholic family.But all my life i knew i was missing something and my heart drove me to find islam and then i felt my life had found a meaning . i was born with a muslim heart in a catholic family..........Allhamdulillah


Yemen 14 Jul - 05:40 AM

Al-salam alikum I am happy & amazed by stories for muslim who have been guided to this peacful and great religion. God bless them all.

Abdur Rahman

United States 11 Jul - 07:44 AM

"I testify that there is NO god except Allah and I testify that muhammad (sws) is His servant and His messenger." Welcome to all new muslims. Now prove by your actions what you just verified by your tongue. May Allah be with you every step of the way. Indeed He is the Best of Guardians.


United States 10 Jul - 09:06 AM

Praise Allah! This site really helps me strengthen my faith. I always learn something new here. I'm new on the path of Islam, but I love it.

abdalla din muhammad

United States 10 Jul - 01:49 AM

asalaam dear publisure this is a great web site i have learn some thing may allah reward you the highest part of paradise fardiuos asalaamallakium


Bosnia and Herzegovina 30 Jun - 07:04 AM

Selam aleykum...Thank you for these wonderful and usefull page. May Allah rewordyou... Mashallah :)


Indonesia 30 Jun - 05:27 AM

Assalaamu'alaikum...What a great feeling for knowing & share the true stories of our brothers&sisters when Islam was reached their heart.. so amazing and make me so grateful to Allah for the hidayah even I'm a moslem since i was born.. keep ikhlash&istiqomah for all of us..ameen


United States 29 Jun - 08:52 PM

I enjoy learning about Islam. This site is a great of information.

Taskin Saleem

Unknown 27 Jun - 07:24 AM

I have read some of the articles and found them very useful. I will continue to return to the website, as and when need, in to gain knowlege and inderstanding in order to incorporate what I have learnt in my daily routine.


United States 25 Jun - 05:47 PM

Keep up the Great work. You have no idea how yours website help me Thank you so much! Jazak Allah kair


United States 22 Jun - 04:09 PM

This site has been very helpful to me in understanding islam. I am strongly considering converting and you guys have answered many of my questions with your easy to read material.


Unknown 22 Jun - 10:25 AM

Salaam Alaykum.......... I truly belive in Islam and all the teachings of Muhammad. Thank you for all the wonderful information and knowledge that has led me to Islam. This is truly a most peaceful way of life. All praise to Allah for His guidance that has shown me the true faith!

raizza cruda

Philippines 7 Jun - 10:51 AM

assalamo alaykum!! this site is of great help to me.

Ahmed al-Bashir

United States 5 Jun - 06:25 AM

I have visited this site many times. It has been helpful to me. I have returned to Islam after 13 years. Allah Akbar!!


Saudi Arabia 3 Jun - 06:29 AM

MashalAllah, This is a great web site. May Allah reward all the team for this work. Best Regards

shazia naureen

Pakistan 3 Jun - 03:46 AM

brothers n sisters asslamo alikum wrahmatullah. its reallly a nice experience to have authentic knowledge related to islam. may ALLAH accepts the efforts of all peoples who have worked for this. best wishes and duas for my all islamic ummah. wsslam.

Petra Haisam

Egypt 18 May - 12:21 AM

As-Salamu Aleikum Dear Brothers and Sisters, I have been visited this site for more than 2 years now regularly. Every week new articles that's fantastic. I converted to Islam 10 years ago and I try to provide my European non-Muslim fellow countryman with straight information about the true Islam and your site is very helpful in this task. Articles are clear and easy understandable and I must say you are definitely the best source for stories of new Muslims on the Internet. I like also the new 'video section'. May Allah reward you abundantly for your work for His sake and help you to continue in this efforts.


United States 10 May - 09:48 PM

Must say, very interesting website with 100% accuracy proven by Glorious Noble Qu'ran. I am not a muslim, but, I think deep down inside every non muslim knows only Islam is truth, just like I do, but just hard to accept the fact from outside. Bravo Islam....Bravo..... Anonymous Reader.


Syrian Arab Republic 4 May - 07:22 AM

thanx for this website its wonderful its help me to find answers god bless u all

Shamim Ahmed

India 4 May - 01:57 AM

Assalamu-alaykum. Thank you team as from your website my concept about islam is crystal clear now.

Ronald B. Harper Jr

United States 20 Apr - 04:14 PM

I am a newly converted Muslim. I think this website is very interesting.

Mohammed ziauddin

Sudan 13 Apr - 02:44 PM

The best source of Islamic knowledge on Internet. May Allah grant Jannatal Firdous to its developers, content managers, daaiye, writers, translators and the ENTIRE ISLAM RELIGION.COM Team! JazakAllah khair.


Unknown 12 Apr - 07:17 PM

Mashallah! This is a very good website! May Allah swt reward you!


Trinidad and Tobago 9 Apr - 01:56 PM

Mashaallah! This website does justice to islam as it is informative and educational to a believer and a non- believer seeking knowledge. May Allah swt grant mercy and a place in jannatul firdous for the creators of this website and to those who continue to spread goodwill and islamic knowledge inshallah.


Germany 9 Apr - 08:37 AM

Recpect. This is the best site a have ever seen. Best regards to administration. Megaricpect


Kenya 8 Apr - 05:15 PM

I have learnt alot about islam and may Allah reward you,Inshaallah

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