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Razi Asghar

United States 18 Jan - 10:34 AM

Only Allah (SWT) can reward your efforts. Wassalam. Razi

Allah's Slave

Egypt 16 Jan - 08:07 AM

I just love this website. Although I am a born Muslim, Al Hamdulilah, yet I enjoy reading all the articles on this informative website. It gives me so much optimism to do the things I feared to do. It surely is one of the reasons I think I became better. God bless all Muslims. I love you all.


Kenya 16 Jan - 06:52 AM

Asalam Aleykum,May Allah(S.w) accept this noble cause from you.May Allah(S.W) guide us all. Since knowing this website my life has changed a great deal and only for the better.Thank you.

Nabeel Bala Zakari

Kenya 12 Jan - 11:44 AM

Assalama Alaikum, I like your site very much; its nice, wonderful and good for every Muslim. Jazakumullahu khayr.


Saudi Arabia 12 Jan - 11:18 AM

it is very useful to know about islam through media. really good work.may allah accept this from u. congralulations...

E. Sadikin

Indonesia 11 Jan - 01:53 AM

Assalamu'alaikum Warohtullohi Wabarakatuh ! We are proud with Islam, because Islam is religion which can penetrate all nation in all over the world and in this time become fastest religion of growth of its follower. This site give big contribution in giving real correct information about Islam. Hence, for that we very compliment to all team done a good deed to manage and hopefully do a good deed to get reciprocation of reward from Allah SWT. Proposal for this site, better be provided with the beautiful art from Islam civilization, like calligraphy, photos galery of world mosque & e-book about Islam. Allahu Akbar !!! Wasslam,

Al-Ameen S.Samsudeen B.A.,

India 5 Jan - 03:24 AM

Assalamu alaikum.. It was a great website i've ever found.. May it will help everybody out there who wants to know more and feel excited about THE TRUE ISLAM..THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE RELIGION IN THIS WORLD.. May Allah make it easy to us in learning Islam better than before..amin..insha Allah.. (by Alameen S.Samsudeen...)


United States 22 Dec - 05:30 AM


Abu Bakarr Sidique Mansaray

Unknown 21 Dec - 06:38 PM

I am very much pleased with this site and other islamic sites. Every time I discover articles on islam, I use them as my weapons to discuss religious debates in my enclave. Two young Christian youths came to me the other day to talk me into Christianity. Surprisingly, I was a Christian before, so everything they told me, I was able to tell them about the other side of midnight. The conversation ended into one of them asking me to get him a quran as he finds it interesting from what i was telling him. Unfortunately i haven't got time yet to buy a quran, but inshalallah i'll buy him one soon and take our discussion further. Maybe Allah will get him where He wants him to be. Nevertheless keep giving us more weapons to do our dawah.


United States 21 Dec - 03:12 PM

Asalaam Alaykum: This sight is wonderful. I am a new convert of one year now and this sight has so much information and helps me out alot in learning more everyday.

Askiah Hassan

Malaysia 13 Dec - 05:44 AM

Assallamualaikum warahmatullahi wabaratu. This site is very good not only for wanting to know about Islam but for muslims too. Alhamdulillah...............

Bobbi-Sue Dionne

Canada 10 Dec - 12:07 PM

I am a christian from canada who wants to convert i just want to make sure i have all the proper informatioin first and this site has been so much help, thank you!

Muhammad Munir Hamdani

Pakistan 10 Dec - 01:33 AM

Asalam-o- Alekum your this act is highly appricatable .


China 3 Dec - 02:37 AM

slam hope this site help all of us to know more about islam i read a little good working to help to understand islam specially for newly muslim people. gulmirza


Philippines 27 Nov - 05:58 AM

Interesting issue, I did not thought it was going to be so great when I saw your link.


Unknown 25 Nov - 04:02 PM

i am a christian woman wanting to convert and your site has made it so much easier for me to do that thank you so very much.


Canada 24 Nov - 10:50 PM

salamulahi alaykum ya jama'atilkheyr idon't know what to say about this great web site it helps muslims and non muslims.i gave all my friends to learn more about their religion,and also non muslims to show them the truth .good job keep doing it


India 24 Nov - 08:41 PM

Assalam Alaikum, Its a very good effort. may Allah give us more and more Hidayath...We Muslims first should know why we are muslims..then only we can clear others doubts....and this site is a very good place to learn the basics.

AM Gak

Unknown 23 Nov - 02:56 PM

Assalamu alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu, You are doing an excellent job. This site is immensely useful for both muslims and non-muslims. I quench my thirst as well as recommending it to others. Well done for the video categories section. May Allah increase you in goodness and make your efforts very heavy in the scale of good deeds. Aameen. And May Allah give the rest of us taufeeq to do whatever we can in our capacity to serve islam and muslims and spread the truth to the whole world. Aameen Ya Rab. Ma Assalama


South Africa 23 Nov - 05:54 AM

I am a muslim, since I ve been born. I always try to read and educate my self about Islam. Now, I live in a foreign country. Many people ask me about Islam, why do I wear a veil, .... You ve opened my eyes and provide answers for all my questions. Your site is informative, simply constructed and well done. Thank you very much, May Allah pless you.

Fadiah Saptaloka

Indonesia 18 Nov - 12:41 PM

Assalamu alaikum.. It was a great website i've ever found.. May it will help everybody out there who wants to know more and feel excited about THE TRUE ISLAM..THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE RELIGION IN THIS WORLD.. May Allah make it easy to us in learning Islam better than before..amin..insha Allah..

Farag Mewafy

United States 16 Nov - 11:46 AM

May Allah bless you for your efforts and I suplicate to Allah to help all of us to spread our unique message


Germany 14 Nov - 08:05 AM

I found this site using And i want to thank you for your work. You have done really very good site. Great work, great site! Thank you! Sorry for offtopic

Mary O'Riley

India 14 Nov - 02:07 AM

Great site. best place to learn Islam.


United States 4 Nov - 02:18 AM

IM thankful that I found this site it has helped me learn a lot about ISLAM. I first learned about ISLAM while I was working in CHAD. I would watch the men that worked for me on the rig pray and how happy and at peace they were. It was then that I knew I had to learn more. So keep up the good work.


India 2 Nov - 04:08 AM

Good job. Keep it up. Add more about current issues, if possible.

Salifu Baba Naporo

Ghana 1 Nov - 05:16 PM

Assalamu Alaykum Ya Jama'a walmuslim May Allah Bless All Those who take part to built this wonderful web site.It has reallyhelp me and will continue to help .Thanks and May Allah Bless all of us Ameen


Maldives 1 Nov - 05:27 AM

maha allah. this is a fantastic web site. i have got heaps of knowledge from this page. i hope insha allah in future you people will do much more to spread the word of allah almighty. i have already e mailed couple of articles to non muslims. may allah almighty give you more strength to continue this wonderful work.


Indonesia 1 Nov - 01:26 AM

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh, I got this site from my Mother she had worked in Saudi Arabia for 4 years,,, after she cameback to Indonesia she gave me the book "Muhammad The Messenger Of Allah". it contained the several site about Islam. Alhamdulillah by it I will get many fRiends Muslim all over the World.

Zambia 31 Oct - 11:34 AM

this is great am learninig a lot on this site, now i have made up my mind i want to be a muslim, salamoalaikum PBUH

Vow Evelp

Germany 24 Oct - 06:17 PM

I hhave been loooking for a long time and found this post. I am find your source via

sumeya mustefa

Ethiopia 24 Oct - 12:26 PM

Aselam ALeykum Wow these web page is the best keep on working. it let me know more about islam


Hong Kong 23 Oct - 05:33 AM

I usually don’t post in Blogs but your blog forced me to, amazing work.. beautiful …

MR Tan

Singapore 23 Oct - 12:11 AM

This is a great site for new muslims. As a chinese in Singapore, no mulims have ever tell me anything about Islam. I am gad I found this site. All the praise to Allah. May more muslims tell non muslim more about their Faith.

Mr Tan

Singapore 23 Oct - 12:07 AM

May Allah guide my parents who are lost.

fatimatzahra(formerly Grace)

Unknown 19 Oct - 08:16 AM

Asalam Aleikum,its always a pleasure to sign your guest book.Im a daily visitor to your website and this website is my madrassa. May Allah(s.w) continue to bless you as you change the life of people and show them the purpose of man being created and brought into this world. Jazakallah.

Rikpaal Singh

India 14 Oct - 12:37 PM

Ohh man This is Great Site i ever visited. the team here on Online chat is really Excellent. They hav all the answers 2 Ur Questions. Believe me.. what i can Really say Chat with Zia n Ur all misconceptions will change n u can lead a great Life here n hereafter.. M now almost ready 2 Revert 2 Islam... Cheersssss :) :) :)

A. kartano

United States 14 Oct - 03:29 AM

Assalamualaikum. This is the first time i find this site. You do a good job people. Salamalaikum

Grambouté Nanchata

Côte d'Ivoire 13 Oct - 11:48 AM

Assalam alleykoum. is the best website I have visited since now. May ALLAH bless all people who run it.

Rehila Bharos

Germany 11 Oct - 07:18 PM

Assalaam a.l.k. Thank you for telling mankind about real Islam, it is apity that not the whole world wants to hear about Islam, otherwise the whole world will become muslim, because this is a way of life, super I am in love with my Prophet and Allah and it is so wonderfull to know that I can show the whole world your website to inform them about MY RELIGION , thank you for all. May Allah bless you and keep you on the right way Amin Amin Amin. Wassalaam Ghoda Hafiz

louise johnson

United States 11 Oct - 05:31 AM

i am a muslims and i am really just learning the thing i really need to known


Unknown 8 Oct - 03:41 PM

Asalamu Aliykum. A good site to be recommended for both muslims and non muslims. Keep going with the great work. May Allah bless us all. Masalama

Victor Ramirez

United States 7 Oct - 06:10 PM

I appreciate everything Kamil has done with converting me to the Islam faith and I will take it with me were ever I go.


Ghana 5 Oct - 12:13 PM

Hello,I just to say thank you

Trisha Christianson

United States 29 Sep - 01:01 PM

I am a student at Iowa State University in Ames, IA. I am taking a class on the Art of Islam and enjoy discovering this religion through the art it has given the world.


Unknown 29 Sep - 06:03 AM

Asalam Aleikum.I became a Muslim a week before Ramadhan after a long chat with Samy. May Allah(S.W) reward you immensely and grant you Jannat. I learn alot through your site. I chat everyday, however busy iam. Keep up the good work.

Atta ur Rehman

United States 24 Sep - 08:48 AM

I am very pleased to see this website may Allah helps you and gives you a big reward. Amin


United States 23 Sep - 10:13 AM

i just converted to islam and this is a good website


Pakistan 22 Sep - 02:17 PM



Egypt 22 Sep - 02:41 AM

greet work , i hope you spread Islam word among the world

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