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yusuf bashir

United States 8 Apr - 11:31 AM

may Allah accept this noble cause. Amin


Qatar 7 Apr - 05:59 AM

May Allah Grant you Jannat Ul Firdous for this amazing work and this occassion i would like to request for all muslim unite under one flag and keep our great culture


Turkey 6 Apr - 12:49 PM

Your website is good.Selametle...


Unknown 5 Apr - 10:28 PM

This is a great website. God bless those that spread the message. Allahu akbar!!


United States 3 Apr - 09:11 PM

Assalamu alaykum. MashaAllah what a great website this is, it has been very beneficial for me, I first came to this site as a Christian to look up information about Islam, I learned alot, and till this day, now as a Muslim, I still come to this site often to learn more about my beautiful deen. Also, the books sent by this site was soo helpful. I recommend this site for people who want to learn more about Islam and gain knowledge. May Allah bless those who run this site and the owner, ameeen!


Unknown 29 Mar - 08:11 AM

sALAm...!!! may peace blessings of our almighty ALLAH upon to every muslims (sisters & brothers)... this site was so helpful for us... Thanks a lot for the all stuff here may ALLAH reward all of you in this world and the hereafter inshallah..... wassalam.

Abu Ibrahim Azzam

Indonesia 28 Mar - 02:53 AM

Amazing website, may Allah reward you. What about translating in Indonesian Language? Wassalaam, Abu Ibrahim Azzam

I. D.

Croatia 25 Mar - 06:35 AM

I asked help from you about three years ago, when I decided to convert to Islam. Very soon after that I went to Islamic center in my city and finally done what I planed for so long. I met my husband there! Thank you for your help!

Muhammad Raheem badini

Pakistan 25 Mar - 12:19 AM

I like this Website and Keep working

Ismet Kara

Unknown 24 Mar - 07:35 AM

Your website is great.My family and myself have learnt a lot. Shukran


India 23 Mar - 01:02 PM

Thank you very much, your work is wonderful may Allah reward you best in Akhira for your work, My Suggestion:more languages should be added...


Unknown 21 Mar - 10:37 AM

Thank You for this website, it has really helped me to remain spiritually strong and stay with God.

Anisa Mire

Australia 20 Mar - 06:54 PM

SC brothers and sisters, i love this web site epecially the quran it helps with my reading the stories of the prphets i love too. thank you all and may allah help you in this world and the hear-after


United States 19 Mar - 06:14 PM

Yo everyone! :D I'm new to Hope I can be a regular here!

Anne Choon

Unknown 17 Mar - 09:23 PM

Congratulations my friend on this fantastic site. Through it you transform the face of Islam commonly held worldwide by the unbelievers who generally look at Islam with fear and prejudice due to its portrayal in the media through fanatics and terrorists. You have shown the true face of Islam and are a real inspiration to all who are searching for the truth. This site is not only informative, innovative but also stimulating. It's impossible to go into this site without coming out with a much deeper understanding which spurs the seeker into positive action and a desire to know more. I especially love the debates and listening to Deedat. Plus at last I can hear, understand and enjoy the inspirational and moving Muslim songs in English. May Allah bless, protect and guide you in this beautiful Mission. You have done more for Islam and Muslims than you can ever possibly know but Allah is all seeing and all knowing of what you do. May He reward you. Allah-hu Akhbar. Thanks a million, Keep up the fantastic work.!!!!


Saudi Arabia 17 Mar - 07:31 PM

The best source of Islamic knowledge on Internet. May Allah grant Jannatal Firdous to its developers, content managers, daaiye, writers, translators and the ENTIRE ISLAM RELIGION.COM Team! JazakAllah khair p.s. your efforts will never go unnoticed.

Tamer El Shazly

Egypt 16 Mar - 07:23 PM

Thank you for your great effort, may Allah put it in your good deeds


Egypt 16 Mar - 11:20 AM

really really great website and cover all questions that the Europeans asked frequentally really thanks

Khadijah Adams

United States 15 Mar - 09:10 PM

As-Salaamu'Alaikum Brothers and Sisters! Marsha'Allah, I absolutely love your website! It's so informative and Al-hamdu-lil-lah, the best source of information for new Muslims that I've found so far on the Internet, Al-hamdu-lil-lah! Salaams, Khadijah


United States 13 Mar - 10:06 PM

This is my first time to this site and it has a lot of information for someone like me considering converting to a muslim.


Unknown 13 Mar - 12:23 PM

This is a wonderful site for new muslims like me..especially the revert stories, very inspiring I also love the article on Pleasures of Paradise. I recommend this site to all brothers & sisters wasalaam


United States 13 Mar - 02:13 AM

I vesited First time to this web site. It's very good...


India 12 Mar - 03:08 PM

Your service to the people must be appreciated

Sule Baba Osman

United States 6 Mar - 08:15 PM

i believe in Islam


Nigeria 27 Feb - 07:06 AM

Assalamu Aliakum Warahmatullah! Alhamdullillah, being that islam is a religion of dialogue am also very pleased that i took part in this wonderful forum of the muslim brothers and sisters. Mahsha Allah This site is fablouse may it create a path for your entrance to Jannatul Firdaus. AMIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Unknown 26 Feb - 02:05 AM

Wow, I see this page and it's wow. I love to read from here, everything is explained so well. Everytime I come to this site I feel great about converting to Islam. Great Job!!! Salam

Mohamed Nisfan

Sri Lanka 26 Feb - 12:26 AM

I wondered about this provider

Joey Sauer

New Zealand 25 Feb - 04:37 PM

Great site for helping me with my class project on grief and dying in different cultures!

Sulayman Abdul-Ghaniyy

United States 25 Feb - 03:04 PM

As Salaamu Alaikum I love that you have a website that sisters and brothers can go and learn about Islam


Pakistan 25 Feb - 02:27 PM

Islam is Peace. A very informative site. By chance, I have found its ad in my own site. My humble request to all Muslims "Please unite again under one Flag." Our Prophet s.a.w is the Benevolence to the creatures of the world and being His Ummah we intend to follow His path of Peace. May Allah Guide us. Ameen


Unknown 25 Feb - 11:32 AM

I realy found your site very helpful a lot and proud of you. May Almighty Allah reward everyone of you accroding to his promises both here and hereafer (Amin).


United States 24 Feb - 09:02 PM

As Salaamu Alaikum I love that you have a website that sisters and brothers can go and learn about Islam

Mohammed Sharif

Fiji 24 Feb - 08:43 PM

Salam, Thank you for the Story of Prophet Adam in english. I have been searching for this for a very long time. Was able to find the Arabic version only.


United States 23 Feb - 06:45 PM

I never would have considered Islam to be a religion of my choice until I found this website and I am now considering it. I always associated Islam with al-Qaeda, but now i see that's not the way it should be. This website and others like it are for the better of mankind and it's tolerance toward other peoples. Thank you!


United States 20 Feb - 01:34 PM

Really love google, very good website. Will browse around and hopefully have something I can add. Take care. TrikkeGalTiffany

abikan rabiat

Nigeria 19 Feb - 01:56 PM

this site is for the benefit of all mankind


India 19 Feb - 10:34 AM

Alhamdullilah! u ppl r doing a great job

abhijeet johri

India 19 Feb - 04:29 AM

its best for the non muslim people to know islam . Iappreciate your work this is the good site for knowledge that i had ever seen and "ISLAM" is the best religion in the world.....

wajidali m khan

India 19 Feb - 04:03 AM



United Arab Emirates 17 Feb - 05:16 PM

god bless you great work guys from the heart thank you for such a site like this

Rodney Schilling

United States 16 Feb - 07:36 AM

This is a very informative site. I became a muslim with the help of this site and the people behind it. Allah Akbar


Hong Kong 15 Feb - 11:03 PM

Coool site, greate design!

Shujath Ali

United Arab Emirates 15 Feb - 06:37 AM

As-Salam-u-Alaikum, This is the beautiful website, i will appreciate this website, for the adequate knowledge which i have gained....... and i dreamt that i am very lucky enough to be born in this religion..........

Ismet Kara

Unknown 10 Feb - 06:33 AM

One of the most interesting sites. Keep up the good work and may Allah reward you, inshallah

julian stone

United States 9 Feb - 07:41 PM

i love to read about islamic history. i am glad that you have this web sight.

altaf hussain

Pakistan 7 Feb - 11:49 AM

Allah Subhanahoo Wa Taala Give The Reward of This Work.

Umair Alee

Pakistan 7 Feb - 09:39 AM

Muslimz are best For World

Malaysia 7 Feb - 01:50 AM

To become a Muslim only testify; La ilah illa Allah [“I testify that there is no true god (deity) but God (Allah),] and nothing else. Follow only Quran given by Allah and not men written books not given by Allah. I testify “La ilah illa Allah, Muhammad rasoolu Allah.” The translation of which is: “I testify that there is no true god (deity) but God (Allah), and that Muhammad is a Messenger (Prophet) of God.”

Mohammed Waheed

India 6 Feb - 05:34 PM

Great website, Good for knowledge to new muslims.

Yasmeena Nahas

Qatar 4 Feb - 01:56 AM

Assalam Alaikum to all........

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