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Unknown 6 Apr - 12:00 AM

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahiim! I am a converted muslim woman, formerly born in a christian family. Although I am not very much educated in our deen Islam but at least I like reading, asking Quests to improve my level of understanding and love to Islam. It is true that Allah loves us all! Surely this website is wonderful! If most of we people were to know and get enough time to read this page and the articles; WaAllahi some of us would have changed our living styles. To non believers we immediately realize the need to become believers, and for those who count ourselves believers would have monitored and evaluated ourselves in our daily routine of implementing our faith in front of our Creator Allah. Due to Fear which we would have created towards Allah we would have prayed seriously, and seen a real NEED to do good DEEDs to enable us to reach theeere.....( to Jannatu-l-Firdausi. I pray that Allah to rescue our brothers and sisters so that after Qiyama we meet there, where our Lord prepared for those who passed this exam in Life. Lets parents be an example to our children and our children should copy Islamic life and to educated children ( in Islam) let them use this website to have good advise to their relatives and their parents. I advise some Islamic shools to explore and use this opportunity to prepare our teenagers by sharing the best information found in this website. May Allah Bless you all who got this idea to start such a Blessed website! Wasaalaam Aleykum Warahmatullah Wabarakatu


Unknown 2 Apr - 12:00 AM

The site is a real work of Da-wa people of all walks of life and for both Muslims and non Muslims. let every one who reads this site recommend it to all he or she knows


Unknown 2 Apr - 12:00 AM

alhamdulillah i proud to say for this website great successfull and giving nice guide for all of us...i prays to allah give us more knowledge for our community aameen


Unknown 2 Apr - 12:00 AM

The site is a real work of Da-wa people of all walks of life and for both Muslims and non Muslims. let every one who reads this site recommend it to all he or she knows


Unknown 2 Apr - 12:00 AM

alhamdulillah i proud to say for this website great successfull and giving nice guide for all of us...i prays to allah give us more knowledge for our community aameen

Tom Beret

Unknown 1 Apr - 12:00 AM

I am so glad i found this site now i will be allowed into the eternal paridise

Tom Beret

Unknown 1 Apr - 12:00 AM

I am so glad i found this site now i will be allowed into the eternal paridise

Hazel Romualdo

Unknown 31 Mar - 12:00 AM

Your site is very interesting. Topics are very helpful for dawah purposes. May Allah reward you for your effort.

Ibrahim Ismail(Babamu)

Unknown 31 Mar - 12:00 AM

Asalamu Aliakum : Greetings and thanks goes to this wonderful team, anytime i visit this site it increases me knowledge and faith in God Almighty Allah, May Allah bestows His blessings on you all who made this possible for we the believers in Islam, i am proud to be a Muslim, may Almighty Allah increase you all knowledge all the time, May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be on the messengers and to Last Prophet to mankind Prophet Muhammad ( S. A.W ). Hallhamdulillahi Rabiil Allamiin...

Hazel Romualdo

Unknown 31 Mar - 12:00 AM

Your site is very interesting. Topics are very helpful for dawah purposes. May Allah reward you for your effort.

Ibrahim Ismail(Babamu)

Unknown 31 Mar - 12:00 AM

Asalamu Aliakum : Greetings and thanks goes to this wonderful team, anytime i visit this site it increases me knowledge and faith in God Almighty Allah, May Allah bestows His blessings on you all who made this possible for we the believers in Islam, i am proud to be a Muslim, may Almighty Allah increase you all knowledge all the time, May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be on the messengers and to Last Prophet to mankind Prophet Muhammad ( S. A.W ). Hallhamdulillahi Rabiil Allamiin...


Unknown 28 Mar - 12:00 AM

praise be to Allah, I will say to the Christian in the world "please don't make Islam to Gospel religion" Allah is Biggest


Unknown 28 Mar - 12:00 AM

praise be to Allah, I will say to the Christian in the world "please don't make Islam to Gospel religion" Allah is Biggest

Shuaibu Muhammad Osu

Unknown 26 Mar - 12:00 AM

i just want to tell you that your site is good and keep it up. May ALLAH see you through. Ameen

Shuaibu Muhammad Osu

Unknown 26 Mar - 12:00 AM

i just want to tell you that your site is good and keep it up. May ALLAH see you through. Ameen

Ari Windari

Unknown 22 Mar - 12:00 AM

Great site and I really hope I can build one like this in my country, because I know, out there are many people who is now seeking for the truth where can be find only if they find Alloh. Your site is one way for them to get the truth. Alhamdulillah, Insha Allah ..

Ari Windari

Unknown 22 Mar - 12:00 AM

Great site and I really hope I can build one like this in my country, because I know, out there are many people who is now seeking for the truth where can be find only if they find Alloh. Your site is one way for them to get the truth. Alhamdulillah, Insha Allah ..


Unknown 19 Mar - 12:00 AM

i truthfully love your posting style, very charming. don't quit and keep posting for the simple reason that it just nicely to read it, looking forward to view additional of your articles, thanks ;)


Unknown 19 Mar - 12:00 AM

i truthfully love your posting style, very charming. don't quit and keep posting for the simple reason that it just nicely to read it, looking forward to view additional of your articles, thanks ;)


Unknown 16 Mar - 12:00 AM

As someone who is considering the path of Islam I must thankyou for so much information that has answered so many of my questions.

Abdul Hamid Nor Mohamamd

Unknown 16 Mar - 12:00 AM

Excellent site for referance and understanding of Islam. Should allow and welcome nonmuslim to read it as well Wassallam


Unknown 16 Mar - 12:00 AM

As someone who is considering the path of Islam I must thankyou for so much information that has answered so many of my questions.

Abdul Hamid Nor Mohamamd

Unknown 16 Mar - 12:00 AM

Excellent site for referance and understanding of Islam. Should allow and welcome nonmuslim to read it as well Wassallam


Unknown 13 Mar - 12:00 AM

bismillahirrahmanirraheem.. i feel extremely exciiiiiited n happy when i could reach diz website..luv da info here..may Allah rewards us with jannatulfirdaus.ameen,

Bahira Busera

Unknown 13 Mar - 12:00 AM

Aselemuweleikum werehmtulahi weberketu I visted this site more than ones. I found it very important to expose the truth of ISLAM to those who want to know which path is footsteps of all the prophets(A.S.). May ALLAH bless ur work and make u patient in ur courses of activity. wselemuwelekum weramtuleh webraketu


Unknown 13 Mar - 12:00 AM

bismillahirrahmanirraheem.. i feel extremely exciiiiiited n happy when i could reach diz website..luv da info here..may Allah rewards us with jannatulfirdaus.ameen,

Bahira Busera

Unknown 13 Mar - 12:00 AM

Aselemuweleikum werehmtulahi weberketu I visted this site more than ones. I found it very important to expose the truth of ISLAM to those who want to know which path is footsteps of all the prophets(A.S.). May ALLAH bless ur work and make u patient in ur courses of activity. wselemuwelekum weramtuleh webraketu


Unknown 10 Mar - 12:00 AM

I like to Thank you on every efforts that you have done for human being.


Unknown 10 Mar - 12:00 AM

I like to Thank you on every efforts that you have done for human being.


Unknown 8 Mar - 12:00 AM

Salaam! I feel so happy to know this web. It is wonderful website with lot of information.


Unknown 8 Mar - 12:00 AM

Salaam! I feel so happy to know this web. It is wonderful website with lot of information.


Unknown 4 Mar - 12:00 AM

thank you soooo much... i have been looking for a site like this for a long time.. god willing it will help me in my search x


Unknown 4 Mar - 12:00 AM

thank you soooo much... i have been looking for a site like this for a long time.. god willing it will help me in my search x

mohiyuddin bin mikin

Unknown 3 Mar - 12:00 AM

Salam..i just got to know this website a few hours ago..i thank allah for that ..what t have found that relate to ISLAM is just amazing..and i will definitely tag the website to enhance my knowledge and understanding ofthe true teaching of Islam

mohiyuddin bin mikin

Unknown 3 Mar - 12:00 AM

Salam..i just got to know this website a few hours ago..i thank allah for that ..what t have found that relate to ISLAM is just amazing..and i will definitely tag the website to enhance my knowledge and understanding ofthe true teaching of Islam


Bahamas 2 Mar - 01:35 PM

i just love this website it gives me alot of information about islam now i no alot of tings i could go to skool and tell the class about islam


Unknown 2 Mar - 12:00 AM

i just love this website it gives me a lot of information about islam now i no alot of tings i could go to skool and tell the class about islam


Unknown 2 Mar - 12:00 AM

i just love this website it gives me a lot of information about islam now i no alot of tings i could go to skool and tell the class about islam


Egypt 26 Feb - 06:04 PM

Allah bless you all, This web site is a great effort, and well done... It really helped me when discussing issues with non-muslim friends online I hope everybody get the most valuable information out of it.

Toucan Sam

United States 18 Feb - 06:04 AM

Hi, I just wanted you to know that I love your website. Great work!

Mustafe Aqli

Djibouti 16 Feb - 05:44 AM

ASSALMU ALIKUM its my first time that i have seen the best Islamic web site that guide to the Non_Islamic poeple in the right way, and i well hope you increase soon if ALLAH SAID


Canada 14 Feb - 12:02 PM

Great website...the live chat was extremely helpful with answering all my questions and as well as helping me convert to islam. I reccomend this website to all muslims and non muslims all over the world who are either looking to discover the truth or simply here for further knowledge. Allahu Akbar !!! Wasslam

Jo Ann Jane

Philippines 11 Feb - 11:56 PM

Thanks for having this kind of website, it's very informative! and it gives me a lot of ideas.. lots of questions in my mind answered by this website...JOB WELL DONE!

Zainuddin Haji Sulaiman

Malaysia 9 Feb - 10:11 AM

Assalamo Alaikum!!! Whenever I visit websites either non Islamic much less Islamic, I will take oppurtunity to give my comments reagrding the sites. I think this website is great and from off and on I will read through the articles here and will tag this site as one of my favourites. Anyway, thanks to the developer who builds this website because all of you have done much good to humanity especially the Ummah. I hope may Allah bless all of us who support & uphold His religion. He has promised Jannat(Paradise) to the believers who follow the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho alaihe Wasallam, Where the Qur'an is revealed through him, as the Leader of the Apostle. And his interpretation of the Qur'an as well as his translation of it into action is generally known as his Sunnah/Hadith.

abdal samad khan

Unknown 6 Feb - 06:42 PM

i luv this website may allah reward the owner for teaching us about islam! best islamic website ever!

Muslimah to Allah ONLY

Egypt 6 Feb - 08:27 AM

This website gives me strength and boosts my faith in Allah. The more I check this site, the more I know how lucky I am to be Muslim!

Md Aslam Sikder

Bangladesh 6 Feb - 08:17 AM

As-Salamu Aleikum to all team of this web site, which includes realy authentic intformation about islam and muslim.I like this website.I love every Muslim.This is a great web site. May Allah reward all the team for this work. Best Regards.

Joseph W

United States 27 Jan - 12:14 AM

I am looking for information on how to convert to Islam. This website was very helpful with guiding to the right way.


Gambia 21 Jan - 09:36 AM

Asalam Aleykum, May Allah (S.w) accept this noble cause from you. May Allah (S.W) guide us all. am new to the web site and i hope i will enjoy it very well. I love you All.

khadijah lynn karuma

United States 20 Jan - 03:26 PM

im very thank full for this website im a new muslim sister and if it was not for this website i would not know what iam learing right now about being a muslum iam very thank full for all the information it has to learn on how to be and become a good muslimwoman what iam learing right now i my self wish i was born as a muslim in the frist place this relgon is what ive being looking for all my 47 years on this earth and im so glad that i have found my way home thanks be to allah wassalama Alaikum sister khadijah lynn alvarado karuma

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