The Return of Jesus
Description: In this video Yusuf Estes discusses some of the events that will lead up to the return of Jesus, and major events that will take place after his return.
- By Yusuf Estes
- Published on 10 May 2010
- Viewed: 16,879 (daily average: 3)
- Rated by: 135
- Emailed: 9
- Commented on: 0
Key Points of This Video
02:20Humility of "Jobe"
09:30Messengers can not be God!
12:30the word "Logo"Chapter of Mary
17:17Story of MaryJesus & his mission in brief
25:35The She-Camel
29:50Their is no deity worthy of worship except Allah!God's name is Allah
40:55Christianity and the sword
44:40Did Jesus die?Will Jesus come back?False Christ!Everyone will follow Jesus
51:40"Don't die except in the state of Islam!"
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