Untold Stories of World History (part 1 of 13)
Description: In this episode Dr. Quick discusses the some of the reasons why we must rethink history. He shares some of his own experiences in reconsidering history and not buying into the prominent narrative. Dr. Quick concludes by discussing some of the ways that the Muslim empire impacted the global history.
- By Abdullah Hakim Quick
- Published on 09 Jun 2014
- Viewed: 11,689 (daily average: 3)
- Rated by: 132
- Emailed: 2
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Key Points of This Video
00:00How could Christopher Columbus have discovered whilst they were people already there?0The Moores, the Saracens and Salahud-Deen al-AyubiThe need for the deconstruction of history
06:20Monotheism in different cultures
14:50Meaning of TawheedNature of the Arabic languageArabian horse impacted the spread of IslamThe camel and the spread of Islam
19:30Japan, Cameron Island,1000 words in English of Arabic originOldest map of AustraliaDetailed maps of both Japan and Australia
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