Short Answers to Doubts Raised Against the Quran
Description: In this video Dr. Jamal Badwi tackles dozens of misconceptions around the Quran in a very concise and accurate way. This video is a focused speech deconstructing the arguments of some of the orientalists against the Quran.?
- By Dr. Jamal Badawi
- Published on 14 Apr 2014
- Viewed: 12,701 (daily average: 3)
- Rated by: 132
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Key Points of This Video
01:35Criticism of the Bible vs. criticism of the QuranCriticism directed to the style of the QuranBeauty of the Quran doesn't make it truthful and divineThe Quran has many non-Arabic words, whilst it proclaims it is an Arabic bookWhy is there so much repetition in the Quran?Strange names in the Quran
13:50Fundamental problem: Comparing between the collection of the Quran and BiblePrimary preservation of the Quran through memoryTranscription of the Quran during the life of the Prophet (PBUH)What are the "Ahruf"?Addition in manuscripts of the QuranDifferences in the words of the Quran
26:12Confusing rhetoric for scienceSamaritan people didn't exist during the time of MosesGushing of the seminal fluid from the spinal columnDoes the honey come from the abdomen of the bee?
32:00Mary is not the sister of AaronAlexander was a pious man. There is no mention of Alexander in the Quran!Crucification before Christ didn't existThe name `Isa is not an appropriate name for JesusWho is Hamaan and why does Quran make reference to that?Was `Uzair the son of God?
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