Clinging to righteousness and avoiding sin is not just
about worshipping One God without partner through conventional rituals. It
goes far beyond that to one’s moral and mannerly behavior, taking heed of one’s
conscience, and seeking with one’s heart. Part 2: Sin is what bothers the
conscience and is shameful to the righteous heart.
A discussion of the various passages in which Christians seek to prove the Trinitarian nature of God. Part 4: Who is Alpha and Omega, God, Jesus or both?
The story of one of the most prominent
African-American revolutionary figure’s discovery of true Islam, and how it
resolves the problem of racism: Part 1: The Nation of Islam and the Hajj.
The effects that Paul of Tarsus and Pagan beliefs had on the forming of the idea of salvation in Christianity; while in reality Christ’s mentioning of salvation was different from what is widely believed today.
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