A comparison between modern slaughtering techniques and the method mandated in Islam. Part 2: A look into the modern techniques used in slaughtering and whether it fits the criteria of humane.
Intriguing accounts of some of the past nations mentioned in the Quran and their prophets, along with various archaeological evidence supporting it. Part 2.
Main Speaker: AbdurRahman Mahdi, www.Quran.nu, (edited by IslamReligion.com)
An introduction to how Islam ensures the cohesiveness of
the institution of the family in Islam, with its first and foremost constituents,
the parents.
A glimpse of how Shiites and Shiism differ from Islam,
with a few demonstrative examples in matters of creed. Part Two: The Testimony
or Declaration of Faith, the previous Scriptures, the Quran, and the Prophets.
A religion based upon the succession of Imams.
Examples of the religions which believe that God became one man, that all humans are a part of God, and a look into the reasoning of all these beliefs previously mentioned.
Clinging to righteousness and avoiding sin is not just
about worshipping One God without partner through conventional rituals. It
goes far beyond that to one’s moral and mannerly behavior, taking heed of one’s
conscience, and seeking with one’s heart. Part 2: Sin is what bothers the
conscience and is shameful to the righteous heart.
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