A discussion concerning verses 15-18. This includes a
description of the qualities of those who will achieve everlasting bliss with
an emphasis on the importance of worshipping God alone.
In this video Omar Esa talks about why he gave up trying to be like the likes of Justin Bieber, Justin Timberlake, Usher and others to go and lead a life with a greater purpose.
This spoken word poetry discusses why Islam is misunderstood. It then recommends that one should read more about Islam in the Quran in order to assure he is learning accurate information about Islam.
In this video Terry C. Holdbrooks Jr shares his story of how he came to Islam wherein he speaks about the events that led up to his conversion including his time at Guantanamo.
In this video Dr. Bilal Philips describes his journey to Islam describing different events of his life before Islam and after Islam that contributed to him becoming what he is today.
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