In this video Yusuf Estes explains the concept of God focusing on his own experience in discovering the uniqueness of God. He makes several comparisons between the concept of God in Islam and Christianity.
In this video Nazir Al-Mujaahid explains his story of how he accepted Islam. He also shares with the viewers how he was able to save the day with his firearm in a grocery store.
In this video Khalid Yasin details the character of Muhammad (PBUH). He particularly focuses on the effects of the legacy of the Prophet Muhammad on the modern world.
In this episode of the Deen Show Hamid shares his story of how he came to Islam and how he left all that he loved of the music world for something that brought him true peace.
In this video you will learn about the major misconceptions about Islam. Imam John discusses some of the misconceptions raised by the orientalists about the history of Islam.
In this video Dr. Jamal Badawi tackles some allegations directed against Islam. He details the manner in which the Prophet (PBUH) used to treat the non-Muslims. Dr. Badawi dedicates the second half of the lecture clearing some of the fog around the marriage life of the Prophet (PBUH).
In this video Bob Palmer shares his story of how he came to Islam describing the events that led up to his conversion including his read of the book "Islam for Dummies".
In this video a former Hindu shares his story of how he came to Islam describing his tangled situation and how he left for a religious quest only to find Islam.
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