In this video Dr. Brown shares with the viewers some insight about the difference between the "Trinitarian Pauline Doctrine" and teachings of Jesus Christ himself.
In this video Nouman Ali Khan clarifies some misconceptions around the Penal Law of fornication in Islam. He also discusses the penal law for accusing someone of fornication.
In this episode Dr. Quick discusses the some of the reasons why we must rethink history. He shares some of his own experiences in reconsidering history and not buying into the prominent narrative. Dr. Quick concludes by discussing some of the ways that the Muslim empire impacted the global history.
The Video talks generally about the contrast between the Islamic and the western criminal justice system. Dr. Bilal, then briefly sums up the Islamic Criminal Justice System.
The religion of Islam came for the benefit of mankind. There is not a ruling that god has laid down in his religion, except that the reflection of utmost perfection is clearly notable. Such is the case of the prohibition of swine. In this clip Dr. Philips speaks about the harmful nature of swine and things prohibited by God.
Yusuf Estes, a former Christian preacher, explains the concept of Polygamy in Islam. He mentions concisely some reasons for polygamy being legal in Islam.
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