A discussion of the various passages in which Christians seek to prove the Trinitarian nature of God. Part 4: Who is Alpha and Omega, God, Jesus or both?
An introduction to the principles Islam has legislated to guide the economic system of society. Part 2: The Ideological Basis of Economic Activity and the general principles by which they are guided.
The finale of a three-part article discussing the
Islamic concept of Mary: Part 3: The birth of Jesus, and the importance and
respect Islam pays to Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Prayer is a unique training and developmental program
which, if well and devotedly performed, can achieve for a Muslim many valuable
spiritual, physical, and ethical gains.
Mr. Rao comes from a background of brahmin scholarship. He as a child had a string (of sacred importance to brahmins) of brahmin culture passed down to him from his father. After growing older Mr. Rao began to deal with Muslims at a business level. Soon after asking questions on Islam, he found it to be the right way.
Jesus is a figure common to both Muslims and Christians. Mr. Green has researched the truth about Jesus for many years. In this presentation he objectively clarifies many misunderstandings about Jesus.
An introduction to the most puzzling question of human history, and a discussion about the sources which can be used to find the answer. Part 3: A look into the Hindu Scriptures, and a conclusion to the subject.
An overview of some of the terms the Quran use for Jesus and his followers from before the advent of Muhammad: the “Bani Israeel”, “Eissa” and the “People of the Book”.
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