The process Islam has laid in regards to seeking and
meting out justice in Society. Part 2: Defining the judicial system and its legal
basis, and the Islamic ruling concerning the judiciary.
Main Speaker: The Editorial Team of Dr. Abdurrahman al-Muala (translated by
Islam is a topic of interest for both Muslims and non-Muslims in our times. To some, Islam is a combination of strange practices that are scarcely found in other religions. Watch Joshual as he unveils the mention of Islamic rituals in other religious texts.
Prophecies of the Prophet Muhammad which were
fulfilled in his lifetime and after his death. These prophecies are clear
proofs of Muhammad’s prophethoodmay the mercy and blessings of God be upon him.
An introduction to the most puzzling question of human history, and a discussion about the sources which can be used to find the answer. Part 1: The source for the answer.
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