In this video Br. James utters the testimony of faith in front of a crowd of Muslims. Watch as Eddie -The Deen Show Host- guides James through the accepting Islam and shares with the viewers a few things that one needs to know after accepting Islam.
A brief look at the some of the beliefs of the Baha’i faith which contradict the basic Islamic beliefs, as well as some contradictions found in some of its essential teachings.
An overview of some of the terms the Quran use for Jesus and his followers from before the advent of Muhammad: the “Bani Israeel”, “Eissa” and the “People of the Book”.
One of the leading Islamic personalities in America, Jamaal Zarabozo, discusses the miracle of the Quran, as how it played an influence in his journey to Islam. Part Two: A comparison between the Quran and what Orientalists had to say about it.
The Quran itself contains proofs for its truth and its teachings a clear and make perfect sense. It requires no “leap of faith” in order to believe it. Also, a look at the accusation that Muhammad borrowed or stole from other religions, particularly, the Christians and the Jews.
A brief article outlining what constitutes the Sunnah, and its role in Islamic Law. Part Two: How the Sunnah differs from the Quran, and the position of the Sunnah in Islamic Law.
Main Speaker: The Editorial Team of Dr. Abdurrahman al-Muala (translated by
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