Joshua Evans was raised up in a Methodist Christian household. As a teenager he began to research Christianity further. After a few years of being a Christian activist Joshual began to research other faiths.
This is a beautifully sang nasheed by Kamal Uddin (a nasheed artist from the U.K.). In this Nasheed Kamal sings about some points that show the greatness, and the oneness of God.
Fine-tuning by design is an argument from physics and cosmology for the divine creation of the universe. It will be shown that discoveries of physics and cosmology in the last fifty years strongly support the existence of God and the divine creation of the universe. This article will describe the fine-tuned elegant laws of nature.
An explanation of the Islamic concept monotheism, which
entails belief in the uniqueness of God in His Lordship, right to be worshipped
and in His Names and Attributes.
After the tremendous advancements and achievements made during
the third millennium in the field of genetics, we are now in a better position
to assess the chances for macroevolution of evolution theory to have occurred
during the history of the universe.
One fifth of humankind shares a single aspiration: to complete, at least once in a lifetime, the spiritual journey called the Hajj. Part Two: The procession from Arafah until the last of the Rites, and a Hajj accepted by the Almighty.
Main Speaker: Nimah Ismail Nawwab (edited by M. Abdulsalam)
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