In this video Yaser Birjas gives us a beautiful and practical talk on the noble character of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and how to implement it in our lives as well.
In this video Dr. Yasir Qadhi discusses how a Muslim should deal with multiplicity of Muslim sects. He focuses on tackling some of the misconceptions about the prophetic tradition discussion the division of the Muslims into 73 sects.
In this video Abdul Nasir Jangda discusses the importance of hope in Islam. He discusses in detail the divine attribute of forgiveness . He finishes the talk off with some anecdotes that shed light to the topic of "never loosing hope."
In this video Dr. Bilal Philips addresses a disease that has afflicted our nation for generations the disease of nationalism and he provides us with solutions.
In this video Dr. Yasir Qadhi tackles the issue the issue of Islamophobia. He shares some examples that illustrates the reality of the existence of Islamophobia in the modern world. Dr. Qadhi then gives some guidance on Muslims should embrace Islamophobia.
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