After being raised in a Catholic household and spending much of his early childhood attending church, Craig rejects faith and takes to life in the fast lane.
After finding his way back to Christianity, Craig is betrayed by his friends and again becomes lost, until his encouter with a Muslim at work.
An interview with the x rap star EverLast and his journey to Islam. Part 1.
An interview with the x rap star EverLast and his journey to Islam. Part 2.
Tired of the unanswered questions in his faith, a truth seeker seeks enlightment in Eastern religions, tribal religions, and finally finds it in Islam.
After indulging in the pleasures of most teenagers, Dawood finds his faith in Islam after being rejected by the Catholic Church.
A life of hate, crime and violence changes to one of peace and faith. Part 1: Early Life.
A life of hate, crime and violence changes to one of peace and faith. Part 2: The Servant of the Source of Peace.
Influenced by figures such as Alex Haley and Malcolm X, a blind man’s sparked interest in Islam leads him to accept Islam.
A Catholic who rejects his faith and takes to Philosophy, and then later accepts Islam due to many unanswered questions. Part 1: Doubting in the faith.
A Catholic who rejects his faith and takes to Philosophy, and then later accepts Islam due to many unanswered questions. Part 2: The study of Philosophy and reading the Quran.
A Catholic who rejects his faith and takes to Philosophy, and then later accepts Islam due to many unanswered questions. Part 3: Reflections on fishing in Alaska.
A Catholic who rejects his faith and takes to Philosophy, and then later accepts Islam due to many unanswered questions. Part 4: More unanswered questions in Philosophy and readings into Islam.
A Catholic who rejects his faith and takes to Philosophy, and then later accepts Islam due to many unanswered questions. Part 5: A trip to Egypt and accepting Islam.
Yusuf Estes, now an active preacher of Islam, humorously tells his story about entering Islam. Part 1: Background.
Yusuf Estes, now an active preacher of Islam, humorously tells his story about entering Islam. Part 2: A business project with a man from Egypt.
Yusuf Estes, now an active preacher of Islam, humorously tells his story about entering Islam. Part 3: Preaching Christianity to a priest.
Yusuf Estes, now an active preacher of Islam, humorously tells his story about entering Islam. Part 4:A big home and lively discussions about religion.
Yusuf Estes, now an active preacher of Islam, humorously tells his story about entering Islam. Part 5: All become Muslim!
A Hindu girl marries a pious assistant of a swami, but one who later looks to other religions for enlightenment.
As her husband becomes increasing involved with Islam, Indrani at first rejects Islam but later reads the Quran and starts to see strange dreams.
After much thought, Indrani accepts Islam along with her Husband.
A hardcore atheist becomes attracted to Christianity, but after a while finds crucial questions left unanswered.
A meeting with an Iraqi sparks a once atheist Christian’s interest in Islam.
How he developed the monotheistic understanding.
A man’s personal quest to study the most authentic verses of the Bible, the Q verses, leads him to Islam. Part one: A problem with conventional Christianity.
A man’s personal quest to study the most authentic verses of the Bible, the Q verses, leads him to Islam. Part two: A comparison with the Quran.
Musa, only 15 years of age, describes what he saw in Islam in relation to Judaism which caught his interest and led him to accept it.
After a severe hate for Muslims, Muhammad takes to reading the Quran to refute them, and finds that a world he once knew immaterializes.
Born and raised in a strict Orthodox Jewish environment in America, Yousef moves to the Israel and discovers Islam!
This is the Journey of a 14 year old boy who embraced Islam through
How an American computer programmer found peace in practicing the religion of Islam and finally became Muslim.
How he has learned Islam in his student life from his silat class teacher and its affect on his every day life.
How Islam has totally changed Abdul-Lateef’s life for the better and given him a clear map to this journey of life.
And Irish Catholic who has loved in some Muslim countries decides to research Islam due to a relationship with a Muslim woman and discusses what he finds.
Hussein talks about his experience of researching into the Bible and gives us a glimpse of his conclusions.
Catholic Christian to Arian Unitarian to Muslim.
Hussein felt completely at peace with pure monotheistic theological beliefs exemplified by Islam.
Anthony, now Abdur-Raheem discusses what he saw in Islam and British society which caused him to accept.
A medical doctor explains what turned him off Christianity and on to Islam.
Wasting away his life doing drugs and having no direction, a small gift changes his life.
An impressive story of a how a German teenager converted to Islam and won the respect of his classmates.
A US soldier tells us how he embraced Islam through a site on the internet.
Through his first meeting with a Muslim and then numerous chats about religion, Michael sifts through the beliefs of various religions until he ends up accepting Islam.
Melech gives insight to Jewish life and religion, and his slow move away from Chasidic Judaism.
In college, Melech studies various philosophies and involves himself in the political left, only later to move on, but still in support of the Palestinian Cause. After September 11, his open-mindedness allows him to disregard all propaganda, and after reading the Quran, finally finds the truth he was searching for.
How the learning of Arabic language lead him towards Islam.
How a typical American discovered Islam through the exceptional character of a close friend.
A practicing Christian throughout life and even seeking a future as a Pastor, Abdullah realizes his faith is not based upon thought and logic, and thus investogates other relgions until he finds Islam.
How a roulette analogy helped this former Las Vegas resident become a Muslim. Part 1: Gathering the Initial Pieces of “the Purpose of Life Puzzle”.
His focus on Christianity and the common belief that Jesus is the son of God
How a roulette analogy helped this former Las Vegas resident become a Muslim. Part 3: His observations about Prophet Muhammad, Quran and other meaningful perspectives of Islam.
How a roulette analogy helped this former Las Vegas resident become a Muslim. Part 4: A meaningful videotape and reflections about conversion.
With a strong Christian upbringing Poncardas is shocked when he finally realizes the truth.
Muhammad tells of those aspects of Islam which attracted him, those he did not find in other religions.
Eesa Ashby’s acceptance of Islam at a young age, what drew him to Islam, and also his experiences as a new Muslim
Seeker of truth found Islam as his religion.
Seeker of truth found Islam as his religion.
How Islam eventually entered his heart.
How God blessed him with Islam when he traveled to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
How he started to read about Islam in Saudi Arabia and accepted it as his religion.
How God answered him when he invoked Him for help.
A story of a person from Christianity to Islam.
An American Christian embraces Islam because of its amazing simplicity.
An American Mormon’s Journey to Islam.
A Roman Catholic US Marine Discovers Islam.
How an Average Dutch Guy Became Muslim.
An American Medical Student Finds Islam
An African American finds Islam.
Sufyaan Gent was born Maurice Alexander Gent. Prior to embracing Islam, he tried various Christian sects, but nothing ever seemed quite right.
How the gift of a Quran transformed the life of a white, racist, anti-Muslim working-class Chicago youth.
Latino immigrant finds peace in Islam after an adolescence of clubs, drinking, drugs, promiscuity and gangland violence in Washington DC.
Ibrahim, a Pennsylvania teenager, explains how difficulties with church teaching about Jesus as God led him from Catholicism to Islam.
How the autobiography of Malcolm X guided a white, middle-class, American teenager from “cow country” to Islam.
This African American former Catholic found spiritual peace and fulfillment in orthodox Islam having investigated and rejected the racist ideology of the Nation of Islam.
Islam evolving in the heart. Part 1.
Islam evolving in the heart. Part 2.
Islam evolving in the heart. Part 3.
Islam evolving in the heart. Part 4.
Islam evolving in the heart. Part 5.
Islam evolving in the heart. Part 6.
Islam evolving in the heart. Part 7.
A former Roman Catholic embraces Islam.
After a spiritual journey of almost 40 years, a Boston Jewish linguist finds Islam in Africa. Part 1.
After a spiritual journey of almost 40 years, a Boston Jewish linguist finds Islam in Africa. Part 2.
After a spiritual journey of almost 40 years, a Boston Jewish linguist finds Islam in Africa. Part 3.
After a spiritual journey of almost 40 years, a Boston Jewish linguist finds Islam in Africa. Part 3.
After a spiritual journey of almost 40 years, a Boston Jewish linguist finds Islam in Africa. Part 5.
Reading a book turned him to Islam.
My untiring search for the truth.
How the good manners of Muslims and the wisdom in the teachings of Islam attracted Sam to Islam.
How the actions of a Muslim and the clarity of the message of the Quran led James to Islam.
How a brief chat on an Islamic chatroom changed his life.
James fascination with Islam begins with knowing the concept of Oneness of God, seeing how Muslims pray and the love and loyalty Muslims have for Prophet Muhammad.
25 years of reflection, evaluation of the Jewish community and their Tradition, and in-depth studies within the Yeshivas of Jerusalem, finally leads Oved to Islam. Part 1: A truthful evaluation of the “exiled” Jewish community.
25 years of reflection, evaluation of the Jewish community and their Tradition, and in-depth studies within the Yeshivas of Jerusalem, finally leads Oved to Islam. Part 2: Judaism is a celebration of culture and Jewishness, but where is God and submission to Him?
25 years of reflection, evaluation of the Jewish community and their Tradition, and in-depth studies within the Yeshivas of Jerusalem, finally leads Oved to Islam. Part 3: Leaving exile and returning to God.
25 years of reflection, evaluation of the Jewish community and their Tradition, and in-depth studies within the Yeshivas of Jerusalem, finally leads Oved to Islam. Part 4: Islam and the Muslim community, the true God and entrance into the true faith.
Rahma shares her story of how Islam helped her in coping with her daughter with special needs and the miracle she saw in her daughter.
A strict Catholic loses faith after reading the Bible, but her continued belief in God leads her to explore other religions.
Diane’s readings of Islam cause her to again love Jesus and Mary, but a true love in a new light.
Diane discusses her acceptance of Islam, her new life, and a prayer for America.
From a broken family and society, a woman finds support from some Muslim friends.
Due to various life experiences, Dr. Owens feels a lack of belonging to American and Western Society and looks elsewhere for Guidance.
Ending up in a theatre class filled with heathen Arabs, Aminah is bent upon saving them from Hell.
After discussing Islam with a faithful Muslim, she accepts Islam, but with her own conditions!
Ameenah discusses the various trials she faced after accepting Islam, from having her children taken away from her to losing all friends and family.
“True, God has tested me, as was promised, and rewarded me far beyond what I could ever have hoped for.”
One persons reasons for accepting Islam in relation to statements made by certain renowned individuals.
Strolling through a bookstore in search for guidance, Akifah finds a book about Islam.
A former Christian discusses the things she found illogical with Christianity and her interest in Judaism.
After being introduced to Islam in a chat room, Kristin finds herself crying while reading the Quran in a library while researching the religion.
Pondering the status of women in today’s society leads Noor to accept Islam.
Noor explains how Islam has raised her status as a woman.
An Ecuadorian female finds Islam.
Feeling lonely and wanting something new in life, Lynda accepts a job offer in Saudi Arabia.
After reading the Quran, Lynda starts to struggle with the notion of accepting Islam and leaving her prior beliefs and way of life.
Lynda discusses her internal battle about wearing the Hijab.
Lynda finally accept Islam and tells of some internal conflicts she struggled to overcome after doing so.
A young girl involves herself greatly with Christianity but still feels something missing.
Zainab finds more in common with Muslim friends than Christians, and finally decides to read about Islam.
Fed with many misconceptions about Islam, Sophie finally decides to see for herself.
A Hindu’s journey to Islam.
Margaret discusses her early childhood of Sunday school, leaving and scorning all organized religion, and a class she took about Judaism and Islam in university.
Margaret discusses how a fellow Jewish classmate accepts Islam, and later accepts Islam herself.
Margaret discusses how the Quran had impacted her life.
Margaret continues to discuss how the Quran had impacted her life, and her views about Jews and Arab relations.
Talking to Jews about Islam, and the impact of Islam on Margaret’s life.
A Hindu girl marries a pious assistant of a swami, but one who later looks to other religions for enlightenment.
As her husband becomes increasing involved with Islam, Indrani at first rejects Islam but later reads the Quran and starts to see strange dreams.
After much thought, Indrani accepts Islam along with her Husband.
A young lady raised and schooled as a Catholic finds in Islam what she was searching for in Catholicism.
How she discovered major differences between Islam and Christianity concerning the “nature” of God and the divinity of Jesus.
She continues her research on divinity of Jesus through Christian resources.
The detailed reading of the Christian Bible revealed “a second generation view of Jesus Christ.”
She found inner peace with true understanding of the nature of God through an uncorrupted religion: Islam.
A Jewish lady gets an insight into how Muslims live, through her Muslim husband and some “Sisters” at a mosque.
After an interesting insight into how Muslims live an Ex–Jewish lady discovers that Islam is the way to mend ones relationship with God, to be forgiven for all past sins and the ultimate way to true inner happiness.
Noora describes her struggles with her family as a young convert.
A lady recruited in order to “free” Muslim women from oppression finds herself accepting Islam.
How her heart got the light of truth when she started to look at Islam by her own interest.
How her visit to Jerusalem took her to the Oneness of God.
After a long journey, a once devote Protestant, Anne Collins, finds Islam and forgiveness from God.
A remarkable dream would be the trigger to Maria’s belief in God and a clear sign as how to find Him.
Her view after experiencing that God is the one reality.
A traditional Christian girl starts to question aspects of her faith and reads the Quran.
A traditional Christian girl finds answers to her questions in the Quran, but faces much hardship from friends and family after conversion.
Under the dark Communist era of the Soviet Union, a young child at the age of 3 begins her quest of finding God!
A country woman from “down under” moves to the city and is exposed to city life, and with it, Islam.
Sara Hermansson was born in Mariestad, Sweden. 27 years later, she tells us how she in 2004, found her “way to the most beautiful gift…Islam.”
Growing up a Christian, Gerda has firm belief in God and see His works throughout life, but still is not satisfied, until she finds Islam.
“Things are made clear through their opposites.” Arabic proverb. Part 1: From atheism in a Hindu environment to Deism, to her marriage with a devout Christian.
“Things are made clear through their opposites.” Arabic proverb. Part 2: Thoughts about Christianity.
“Things are made clear through their opposites.” Arabic proverb. Part 3: Thoughts about Original Sin leads to a visit to the library.
After deciding to accept Islam, Ologunde faces one of the hardest decisions in life, her husband or Islam.
The search for the true religion led her to Islam.
A diverse university experience causes Haneefah to open up to other cultures and find out about Islam.
At a time when Islam is faced with hostile media coverage particularly where the status of women in Islam is concerned, it may be quite surprising to learn that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, and even more ironic to discover that the majority of converts to Islam are women.
Reflections of a Muslim Convert.
How an American police officer came to know about Islam.
New experiences after embracing Islam.
Her journey from Philippines to Saudi Arabia.
An educated woman struggles between what she has heard of Islam and what is really Islam, as well as the actual existence of God.
Her final struggle to determine the truth and how it lead her to eventually embrace Islam.
A Catholic nun: A bad experience but beautiful end!
A young American girl who was raised by her father as a Catholic got introduced to Islam in her journey to college from Chicago to Colorado.
How God showed her the way when she was yearning to find the way towards Him.
Finding a major truth in her life through the mercy of glorious Lord.
Phases of questioning opened the gate of true religion for her.
How the guidance came to her in the early days of embracing Islam.
About 27 years of her life in search of true religion. How she finally found Islam.
A story of an Indian convert who has been a Muslim for more than 13 years.
How she found a pure and beautiful new life style.
A Romanian falls in love with Islam.
A Brazilian linguist finds Islam.
A Christian girl who was very skeptical about religions felt connected to Islam right away.
She was searching for what turned out to be already a major part of who she is: Islam.
Finally, how she felt that Islam was part of who she was long ago.
How she found Islam when amazed by Muslim women’s dress.
A Greek woman embraces Islam who was taught to hate Islam.
Reflections of an American woman. Part 1.
Reflections of an American woman. Part 2
American, Khadija Evans, who experimented with umpteen Christian denominations, atheism and even Wicca tells how her post-September 11 investigations of Islam led first herself then her husband to their final spiritual home.
American, Khadija Evans, who experimented with umpteen Christian denominations, atheism and even Wicca tells how her post-September 11 investigations of Islam led first herself then her husband to their final spiritual home. Part 2.
I wondered why Muslims are so proud.
A spiritual humanist's journey to Islam.
How the daughter of Baptize Minister embraced Islam.
A former Catholic female missionary embraces Islam.
How a spiritually dissatisfied American Catholic teacher found fulfillment and direction through her new job at a Muslim school.
This Iowa student of Arabic became a Muslim in her heart when she started reading the Quran in order do to her university homework and couldn’t put it down.
An Australian Protestant teenager, troubled by the concept of Trinity, who embraced Islam following a year at a Buddhist High school in Japan.
An Australian Protestant teenager, troubled by the concept of Trinity, who embraced Islam following a year at a Buddhist High school in Japan.
The remarkable, powerful testimony, full on insights, of a black American Christian girl whose studies of the Bible and Church history studies left her shocked at the “hypocrisy, blasphemy, and human tampering with holy scriptures”. Impressed by the respect Islam shows to women, she became a Muslim at the age of only 18.
How a Californian woman with a “fast and loose” lifestyle gradually found her way to Islam.
From Mormon to Muslim.
Karla explains how her theological dissatisfaction with the doctrine of Jesus as God and her discovery of the rights given to women in Islam led her to become a Muslim.
Over a period of two and a half years, this university student grew to take Islam very seriously. Part 1.
Over a period of two and a half years, this university student grew to take Islam very seriously. Part 2.
Over a period of two and a half years, this university student grew to take Islam very seriously. Part 3.
Over a period of two and a half years, this university student grew to take Islam very seriously. Part 4.
Detroit-based African American journalist and PR woman, Angelene McLaren, has been a Muslim for six years. Upon conversion she took the new name Sumayyah bint Joan. Here she records her encounter with Islam.
My Life toward Islam.
How a mother of five children discovered Islam at the age of 67. Part 1: Her early life.
How a mother of five children discovered Islam at the age of 67. Part 2: Interaction with her children.
How a mother of five children discovered Islam at the age of 67. Part 3: Role of her son.
Natasa finds a purpose and direction in Islam after a life of emptiness.
How she found her way to God.
How her search for the truth begins.
Her life as a Catholic.
Her inner struggle.
She finally then embraced Islam.
Her Jihad and joy.
Finally her joy returned.
We are all born with a natural inclination to worship God and my quest for Him started at a very early age.
My baby steps towards Allah and conversion to Islam
Growing up as a foster child, Michelle is amazed at the faith and patience of Muslims in times of adversity, eventually leading her to study and accept Islam.
A conversion story of a 12 year old girl to Islam. Part 1: A young girl around the age of 9 is fascinated by the lifestyle of her Muslim neighbors.
The daughter of a southern Baptist preacher finds her way to Islam. Part 1: Growing up as a devout Christian
The daughter of a southern Baptist preacher finds her way to Islam. Part 2: Her journey to Islam begins with a series of questions and encounter with two Muslim girls.
The daughter of a southern Baptist preacher finds her way to Islam. Part 3: Sincere soul searching and questioning finally bring her to Islam.
A conversion story of a 12 year old girl to Islam. Part 2: Her sincerity and prayers lead her to Islam.
In this part of her story of conversion, Shannon tells how she moved from the tiny country farm town she was born in to Irving, Texas, where she endeavoured a lot to know anything about her Creator and Islam, but merely got very little.
In this part of her story of conversion, Shannon relates how a couple of astonishing events pulled her towards Islam.
In this part of her story of conversion, Shannon tells us how she converted and how she feels about those who had the opportunity to share the knowledge of Islam with her but simply ignored it.
Margaret discusses her story of how she had suicidal thoughts and then began reading about Islam and eventually found true happiness upon conversion.
After struggling with severe doubts about Christianity and trying to find the true purpose of life, Catherine finds true happiness, peace and purpose in Islam.
How the call to pray (Adhan) had an everlasting impact on Dr. Chris. Part 1: Early childhood, struggle during teenage years, and trip to Morocco.
Description: How the call to pray (Adhan) had an everlasting impact on Dr. Chris. Part 2: A desire for equality and justice and finding Islam to provide solutions to humanity, finally led her to convert to Islam.
How a 12-year old girl found Islam.
The early life and education of a Harvard Hollis scholar and author of the book “The Cross and the Crescent”, disillusioned by Christianity due to the information learnt in its School of Theology. Part 1.
The early life and education of a Harvard Hollis scholar and author of the book “The Cross and the Crescent”, disillusioned by Christianity due the information learnt in its School of Theology. Part 2: A lack of religiousness, contact with Muslims, self-questioning, and the answer.
The early life and education of a Harvard Hollis scholar and author of the book “The Cross and the Crescent”, disillusioned by Christianity due the information learnt in its School of Theology. Part 3: Psychological games and the struggle to surrender.
The early life and education of a Harvard Hollis scholar and author of the book “The Cross and the Crescent”, disillusioned by Christianity due the information learnt in its School of Theology. Part 4: “From Cross to Crescent.”
A pioneer minister and comedian disenchanted with his faith.
His first encounters with Muslims and the faith, and finally his acceptance of Islam.
A once misguided boy finds his salvation through the Pentecostal Church and answers his call to ministry at the age of 20, later to become a Muslim. Part 1.
A once misguided boy finds his salvation through the Pentecostal Church and answers his call to ministry at the age of 20, later to become a Muslim. Part 2: “All that glitters is not gold.”
A once misguided boy finds his salvation through the Pentecostal Church and answers his call to ministry at the age of 20, later to become a Muslim. Part 3: “A birth from darkness into light.”
A priest who at one time actively spread misconceptions about Islam accepts Islam (part 1).
A priest who at one time actively spread misconceptions about Islam accepts Islam (part 2).
A trusted student of a renowned Christian scholar in former Andalusia overhears a discussion about the Paraclete, a prophet to come mentioned in the bible.
An eight year student of formal theological studies accepts Islam due to the consistency of its message.
A former British Catholic Priest accepts Islam after reading the Quran and his interactions with Muslims.
An ex-Jewish Rabbi explains the circumstances which led him to accept Islam.
A Roman Catholic priest of the Uniate-Caldean sect converts to Islam.
How the first Jewish Rabbi converted to Islam.
Wandering through religions, an American priest embraces Islam.
A Hindu priest’s journey to Islam.
A lesson from the life of Uwais al-Qarni.
One of the most prominent musical figures of the 70’s and his search for the truth. Part 1: Life as a musician.
One of the most prominent musical figures of the 70’s and his search for the truth. Part 2: The Quran and accepting Islam.
The brother of world-famous star Michael Jackson tells how he embraced Islam. Part 1.
The brother of world-famous star Michael Jackson tells how he embraced Islam. Part 2.
The story of one of the most prominent African-American revolutionary figure’s discovery of true Islam, and how it resolves the problem of racism: Part 1: The Nation of Islam and the Hajj.
The story of one of the most prominent African-American revolutionary figure’s discovery of true Islam, and how it resolves the problem of racism: Part 2: A new man with a new message.
W. B. Bashyr Pickard B.A. (Cantab), L.D.(London), an author of wide repute whose pen-production include Layla and Majnun, The Adventures of Alcassim, and A New World, tells his tale of his quest for Islam after suffering sever injuries in WWI.
The story of an associate professor and later author of three books’ journey to Islam.
Poet, literary critic, author, editor-in-chief of Radio Personalities, and author of the books “Beyond the Brim” and “Bazar of Dreams” tells the reasons he embraced Islam.
The story of how a German diplomat and ambassador to Algeria accepted Islam. Part 1.
The story of how a German diplomat and ambassador to Algeria accepted Islam. Part 2.
A correspondent for the Franfurter Zeitung, one of the most prestigious newspapers for Germany and Europe, becomes a Muslim and later translates the meanings of the Quran. Part 1.
A correspondent for the Franfurter Zeitung, one of the most prestigious newspapers for Germany and Europe, becomes a Muslim and later translates the meanings of the Quran. Part 2.
The search for the truth of a philosopher and writer, faced with a constant internal struggle of harmonizing belief and action. Part 1: A secular childhood and a mention of Arabia.
The search for the truth of a philosopher and writer, faced with a constant internal struggle of harmonizing belief and action. Part 2: A personal dilemma with institutionalized religions.
The search for the truth of a philosopher and writer, faced with a constant internal struggle of harmonizing belief and action. Part 3: Wisdom in the mind without penetration of human substance, and the discovery of God.
The search for the truth of a philosopher and writer, faced with a constant internal struggle of harmonizing belief and action. Part 4: T. S. Eliot and Gai’s first book.
The search for the truth of a philosopher and writer, faced with a constant internal struggle of harmonizing belief and action. Part 5: A job in Cairo.
The search for the truth of a philosopher and writer, faced with a constant internal struggle of harmonizing belief and action. Part 6: A seed bears fruit.
A former journalist imprisoned in Taleban Afghanistan, Yvonne Ridley explains to BBC her encounter with Islam and what made her convert.
Famed for his slam dunks and "skyhook", Kareem Abdul-Jabbar discovers the other side of life, spirituality, and accepts Islam.
The nature of conversion stories and the common ground between them, no matter what religion.
Dr. Laurence describes the event which eventually led him to explore religion and become convinced about Islam, not by mere intelligence, but a pure heart.
One of the greatest of companions, Salman the Persian, once Zoroastrian (Magian) narrates his story of his search for the true religion of God. Part One: From Zoroastrianism to Christianity.
The long search finally ends with Salman meeting the promised Prophet, and earning his freedom become one of his closest companions.
How the spiritual journey changed his life and he became Muslim.
How, Sara Bokker, a former actress, model, fitness instructor and activist gave up the glamorous Miami lifestyle for Islam and found true liberation with Islam and the Islamic dress code for women.
Finding solace in the garden of peace, an American journalist and author tell us why he embraced Islam.
Now my God has a name.
How the call to pray (Adhan) had an everlasting impact on Dr. Chris. Part 1: Early childhood, struggle during teenage years, and trip to Morocco.
Description: How the call to pray (Adhan) had an everlasting impact on Dr. Chris. Part 2: A desire for equality and justice and finding Islam to provide solutions to humanity, finally led her to convert to Islam.
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