The forgiveness of the Prophet towards non-Muslims, even
those who sought to kill him and opposed his mission throughout his life. Part
2: More examples.
This two-part article series discusses the rights of
non-Muslims living in Islamic countries. Part 1 discusses the mercy Islam shows
to all creation and about the sanctity of non-Muslims’ lives and property.
By Sami al-Majid [edited by]
Published on 19 Jan 2015
Last modified on 20 Jan 2019
Viewed: 21,217 (daily average: )
Rating: 3.4 out of 5
Rated by: 135
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This two-part article series discusses the rights of
non-Muslims living in Islamic countries. Part 2 defines who are the “people
under a covenant” and lists the rights of such non-Muslims.
By Sami al-Majid [edited by]
Published on 26 Jan 2015
Last modified on 17 May 2020
Viewed: 14,448 (daily average: )
Rating: 3.4 out of 5
Rated by: 132
Emailed: 0
Commented on: 0
How the changing face of the media has contributed to
the rise of Islamophobia.
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