The search for the truth of a philosopher and writer, faced with a constant internal struggle of harmonizing belief and action. Part 4: T. S. Eliot and Gai’s first book.
The following series of articles discusses the means used throughout history to ensure that the Sunnah, or teachings of Prophet Muhammad, remained authentically preserved and free from alteration and interpolation. Part Five: Early Hadeeth Criticism and Evaluation of Narrators.
The search for the truth of a philosopher and writer, faced with a constant internal struggle of harmonizing belief and action. Part 6: A seed bears fruit.
The Quran, the last of the revelations of God, is a book that is insusceptible to flaw as promised by God. Watch a group of the worlds leading Scientists as they discuss the various scientific accords with the Quran.
A university lecture on how Islam elevated the status of women. Part Three: The difference between Islamic and Western World Views, and a glimpse of some of the rights granted to women 1400 years ago by Islam.
When one looks into current affairs, one cannot help but to note that the Muslim world is distraught with unrest and violence. This article will discuss how colonization and Western interference has played the primary role in forming this state of affairs.
Fine-tuning by design is an argument from physics and cosmology for the divine creation of the universe. It will be shown that discoveries of physics and cosmology in the last fifty years strongly support the existence of God and the divine creation of the universe. This article will describe the fine-tuned elegant laws of nature.
The search for the truth of a philosopher and writer, faced with a constant internal struggle of harmonizing belief and action. Part 5: A job in Cairo.
The search for the truth of a philosopher and writer, faced with a constant internal struggle of harmonizing belief and action. Part 2: A personal dilemma with institutionalized religions.
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