In this video Dr. David Berlinski discusses a common misconception about evolution be a scientifically established fact. He argues that evolution has always been a mere theory and that scientists never established a consensus on this subject.
In this video Hamza Tzortzis discusses whether Islam is a fairy tale or truth. He shares a number of points which prove the fact that Islam is the truth. Additionally, he also conducts a short comparison between the Ottoman empire and modern capitalist states.
In this video Dr. Waleed Basyouni discusses the positive nature of the Islamic call. He highlights the fact that one of the core reasons behind the existence of the Shariah is to bring happiness to the lives of people.
In this video Imam Moustafa speaks about some of the miracles of the Quran that at the time of the Prophet (PBUH) were impossible to know but have been proved by scientists.
In this video Hamza Tzortzis discusses the miraculous nature of the Quran. He shares all different writing styles within the Arabic language and explains how the Quran transcend all known writings styles to the Arabs.
This chapter refers to an uncle of the Prophet who
opposed him fiercely, as did his wife. He insulted the Prophet with ‘Tabban
Lak’ (‘may you perish!’). This Meccan chapter was the response.
Unlike other religions, Islam is more than just a group of rites gathered together for certain weekly, monthly, or even annual occasions. Islam is an all encompassing way of life that guides us through every little thing that we face. This is a brief lecture related to the Islamic viewpoint on finance.
The first two verses talk about the victory of Islam. The
third verse tells us how to make successful supplications by understanding how
Prophet Muhammad sought the forgiveness of God.
The video is a beautiful clip from one of Khalid Yasin's lectures. He objectively tackles the issue of women being oppressed in Islam, and statistically proves his argument!
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