This final article of the series mentions the very last of the Major Signs that will occur before the Day of Judgment. These signs include three landslides, the appearance of a smoke, the rising of the sun from the West, the appearance of a beast from the earth and finally a fire that will drive all people to a given location…
The second of a two-part article defining the fundamental differences between Paradise and the life of this world. Part 2: The superiority of its joys and delights in comparison to this life.
A discussion of the name, titles, and description of
Jesus in the Quran. Part 2: A look at the some of the other titles given to
Jesus, such as a “word”, a “spirit”, “mercy”, and others.
The following series of articles mention the Major Signs that will occur shortly before the end of the world and the coming of the Day of Judgment. The author begins with mention of the Minor Signs that precede the Major Signs.
The Caliphate, or succession, of Abu Bakr and Umar, two of the most prominent of the companions of the Prophet, the spread of Islam and Islamic foreign policy in regards to the inhabitants of subjugated lands.
Main Speaker: Ismail Nawwab, Peter Speers, and Paul Hoye (edited by
The Biblical evidence that Muhammad is not a
false prophet. Part 2: A discussion on the prophecy mentioned in Deuteronomy
18:18, and how Muhammad fits this prophecy more than others.
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