A comparison between modern slaughtering techniques and the method mandated in Islam. Part 3: One of the reasons that most modern methods of slaughtering are not encouraged in Islam is due to the pain felt by the animal.
Man, bearing the burden of moral responsibility, is responsible for utilizing the earth’s resources with due consideration - resources which God has subjected to his every need.
This series of articles provide a conceptual framework
for answering the ‘big questions’ related to our existence. Part 1 discusses
the need for searching for the truth.
This series of articles provide a conceptual framework
for answering the ‘big questions’ related to our existence. Part 2 urges us to
reflect on what actually is success and whether our existence has a purpose.
This series of articles provide a
conceptual framework for answering the ‘big questions’ related to our existence.
Part 5 continues with the discussion on the thought process that should be
employed to reach the right conclusions and explains that the intellectual
foundations of any world-view should be assessed to judge the validity of its
Human imagination is limited since it is based on what
it observes and experiences, and this is why our imagination cannot fully grasp
the concept that God is timeless and eternal, without beginning or end.
Main Speaker: islamtoday.net [edited by IslamReligion.com]
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