An introduction to the principles Islam has legislated to guide the economic system of society. Part 2: The Ideological Basis of Economic Activity and the general principles by which they are guided.
Jesus is a Prophet of God, and amongst the most beloved figures to both Muslims and Christians. If one researches the events that took places after the time of Jesus, he will find that the persona of Jesus was redeveloped. This video is an expansion by Khalid Yasin on this point.
In this video, Hamza Tzortzis discusses the concept of God in Islam and Christianity. He then discusses the concept of Jesus in both Islam and Christianity. Lastly, he shares some important facts about the unreliability of the current Bible.
A look at how old pagan beliefs crept into Christianity through Paul of Tarsus. Also included, is mention of the history of original sin and salvation from an Islamic perspective.
Paradise and Hell are two eternal abodes that God has created as recompense for either commendable or sinful deeds. In this video Yasir Qadi discusses the concept of paradise in Islam. The lecture is followed by a panel Q&A session.
In this video, Mustafa Umar and Ahmad Sheikh discuss the concept of polygamy from the legal and religious perspective. They share convincing arguments for why polygamy should be considered a legal and respectable form of marriage. They also share the benefits of polygamy for women.
These verses explain what kind of God He is, what are
His attributes, Who has sent the Quran, and before Whom you have to render an
account of your deeds in the end.
In this video, Ismail Bullock and Gabriel Al-Romaani discuss the prophetic way of teaching. They highlight some of the common mistakes that teachers make which can lead to detrimental effects on the beliefs of children after they grow up. They discuss the importance of treating children with kindness and mercy to instill love within their hearts.
The purpose for the creation of mankind is worship. Part 4: To contradict the purpose of one’s creation is then the greatest evil that a human being can commit
A discussion of the various passages in which Christians
seek to prove the Trinitarian nature of God. Part 2: Is the name Immanuel a
proof that Jesus is God?
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