Makkah is considered one of the most Sacred Places on earth for Muslims. Yet sadly many people, both Muslim and Non-Muslim, don't know the History of this Important
Abdullah ibn Masoud was amongst the Scholars of the companions. When he realized the impermanence of this life, he left everything to be as close to the prophet as possible. Learn more about this great Noble.
One fifth of humankind shares a single aspiration: to complete, at least once in a lifetime, the spiritual journey called the Hajj. Part One: An Introduction to the Hajj and some of the rites leading up to the actual day of Hajj.
Main Speaker: Nimah Ismail Nawwab (edited by M. Abdulsalam)
A glimpse of how Shiites and Shiism differ from Islam,
with a few demonstrative examples in matters of creed. Part Two: The Testimony
or Declaration of Faith, the previous Scriptures, the Quran, and the Prophets.
A religion based upon the succession of Imams.
In this episode of The Deen Show Muhammad Al-Shareef clarifies some of the misconceptions about Islam, while detailing the clarity of the essential Islamic concepts.
In this video Rabbi Weiss shares how Muslims used to treat the Jews when they would be persecuted in Christian lands. He also goes on to explain the real threat to Jews, Muslims and the world peace.
In this video AbdelRahman Murphy discusses why the character of the Messenger alone is enough of a reason to believe that he was a Messenger. He further emphasize the importance of good character in calling others to Allah.
In this video Karim Abu Zaid discusses the comparison between the historic KKK and the current ISIS and reflects on the recent events of hate crime while giving hope to the families of the victims.
In this episode Dr. Quick discusses the some of the reasons why we must rethink history. He shares some of his own experiences in reconsidering history and not buying into the prominent narrative. Dr. Quick concludes by discussing some of the ways that the Muslim empire impacted the global history.
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