In this video Adam Gillespie shares his incredible journey to Islam wherein he knew God existed but remained a product of his society until God guided him to Islam.
In this video James Yee discusses his exciting story about how he came to Islam while serving for the US army and later went on becoming the Muslim chaplain at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp.
In this video Shakeel shares his action-packed story about how he came to Islam. He explains how two gunshots were the turning points in both his and his families lives.
In this video Cyrus McGoldrick presents his journey to Islam and recounts his childhood in white supremacist town, experience of watching wars and challenges with Muslim community.
In this video a former Methodist Minister discusses how he was guided to Islam. He explains the reasons why left Christianity. He also details the points which intrigued him about Islam.
In this video Sam discusses how his interactions with supernatural beings lead him to pondering Islam. He also explains why and how he accepted Islam. He also shares his feelings and experiences after accepting Islam. Sam advises the Muslim and non Muslim viewers about Islam.
In this video, Ricardo discusses how he came to Islam. He explains how Islam had changed his life. He then discusses some of his findings from his research about marital life.
In this video, Junaid discusses his curiosity about Islam. He shares how he searched hard to find some problem with Islam but failed and had no choice but to accept Islam.
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