A series of articles compelling the
reader to ponder over the marvels of the Quran. Part 6: A reply to those who
allege that the Quran could be from the Devil or one suffering from mythomania.
Main Speaker: Dr. Gary Miller (edited by www.islamhouse.com)
A series of articles compelling the reader to ponder over the marvels of the Quran. Part 8: An objective approach to looking at the truthfulness of the Quran.
Main Speaker: Dr. Gary Miller (edited by www.islamhouse.com)
A detailed discussion about the regulations Islam has
set in regards to dealing with crime in society. Part 1: Introduction and the
Islamic approach to combating crime.
Main Speaker: The Editorial Team of Dr. Abdurrahman al-Muala (translated byislamtoday.com)
Instincts, such as self-sacrifice, are scientifically unexplainable and are sufficient to “overthrow” the theory of natural selection, as Darwin stated himself. Part 1: The problem of instinct and examples from the animal kingdom.
Suhaib Webb a former Christian from the U.S. accepted Islam at the age of 20. Watch Suhaib as he tells his story and enlightens for us some issues relative to religion.
In this episode of "The Deen Show" Dr. Dirks discusses whether America was founded as a Christian state or not, and what exactly was the prominent belief system in the early days of American history.
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