series of articles compelling the reader to ponder over the marvels of the
Quran. Part 4: The burden of proof lies on the one who claims the Quran to be
Main Speaker: Dr.Gary Miller (edited by www.islamhouse.com)
The inability of Arabs during the time of the
Prophet, the Arabs after him, and non-Arabs to meet the challenge of the Quran:
to produce anything similar to it.
An Islamic Critical Evaluation of the Ideas of Some Contemporary Physicists: Part three: The only conclusion to the series of causes is that there be one ultimate and external cause which led to all others.
A correspondent for the Franfurter Zeitung, one of the most prestigious newspapers for Germany and Europe, becomes a Muslim and later translates the meanings of the Quran. Part 2.
Over the centuries God sent down numerous revelations to various prophets. He then put a stop to the tradition of revelations with the final book to the final prophet. Quran being the last book sent to mankind as a source guidance must have divine intervention in its preservation. In this episode Mr. Green briefly discusses this topic.
The existence of God and His Oneness is known through
reason and revelation. Part 1 explains why there has to be a cause for the existence
of the universe and that this cause has to be one.
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