The Quran is a book sent to all of mankind. As a proof for the authenticity of the Quran, God placed in it various miracles. Amongst these are the scientific miracles of the Quran. This Episode deals with some scientific indications relative to the sky.
The finale of a three-part article discussing the
Islamic concept of Mary: Part 3: The birth of Jesus, and the importance and
respect Islam pays to Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Every particle in this creation has a purpose for its existence. How then can one claim that us as human beings have no purpose for our being? How can things as minute as antibodies have a significant role to play, where fully developed humans are free of purpose? This and more leads one to ascribe purpose to his creation. In this lecture Kamal explains the purpose of life in brief.
Dr. Brown was first introduced to submitting himself to God when his Daughter was undergoing a critical surgery. This submission to the will of God led him to searching through various faiths. After doing rigorous studies of various faiths, he came to the realization that Islam is the absolute truth in which there is no doubt.
The real salvation of mankind is through sub servitude to the All-Mighty God. One cannot be held to account for the actions of another. God has granted to all the characteristic of choice, and he will take us to account for the choices we make.
When one looks into current affairs, one cannot help but to note that the Muslim world is distraught with unrest and violence. This article will discuss how colonization and Western interference has played the primary role in forming this state of affairs.
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