The Biblical evidence that Muhammad is not a
false prophet. Part 3: A discussion on the prophecy mentioned in John 14:16 of
the Paraclete, or “Comforter”, and how Muhammad fits this prophecy more than
The Caliphate, or succession, of Abu Bakr and Umar, two of the most prominent of the companions of the Prophet, the spread of Islam and Islamic foreign policy in regards to the inhabitants of subjugated lands.
Main Speaker: Ismail Nawwab, Peter Speers, and Paul Hoye (edited by
One of the leading Islamic personalities in America, Jamaal Zarabozo, discusses the miracle of the Quran, as how it played an influence in his journey to Islam. Part One: An Introduction to this topic, along with a brief description of the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad.
The first chapter of the book “The True Religion.” The
question of how one proceeds to decipher the true religion, while all claim to
be the truth, and the use of the intellect.
This second article provides real examples and stories that illustrate the importance of realizing that everyone in life faces obstacles within their control and obstacles beyond their control and that the obstacles beyond one’s control should be considered as destiny from God Almighty.
Main Speaker: Dr. Bilal Philips (transcribed from an audio lecture by Aboo Uthmaan)
In this video Br. Musa Cerantonio explains how he went from being a Christian that travelled all the way to the Vatican to becoming a practicing and devoted Muslim.
An introduction to the first pillar of Islam: the Muslim
Profession of Faith, or the shahada, that no-one deserves worship except
God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God, and the various meanings they
The purpose and role of the Prophets, the nature of the
message that they brought to humanity, and the emphasis that they were mere
humans with no divine attributes.
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