In the recent years, what some would consider to be a gesture of modesty, others have strongly criticized. Hijab is an essential part of a modest lifestyle in Islam.
Abdullah Ibn Salam was amongst the Jewish rabbis who had moved to Medina in search for the Arabian prophet. After having the blessed opportunity to meet the prophet, Abdullah accepted Islam as his way of life.
God has given us a brain to ponder and think with. And for this pondering, He has made available various of His creations in the pinnacle of perfection. This video details the creation of man -one of those many perfect creations that we are required to ponder upon- and outlines the mention of it in God's book (the Quran).
Abdul-Raheem Green came from an upper-middle class family from the U.K. His quest for finding the true faith began at a young age. Watch as he explains the how he came to Islam.
An educational video about the slander that some tend to promote, "Islam oppresses women." Listen in as you learn about the meaning of "oppression" and rights that are presented by Islam to women.
Islamic teaches or not mere religious rites, rather various personality traits are apparent in a Muslims everyday life. This video touches briefly on the concept of interpersonal-relations in Islam.
From amongst the beauties of Islam, is the fact that Islam is all based on proof. Islam is not just a mere belief system discrete from evidence. Rather, Islam is a combination of the two. Explore the beauties of Islam!
Whether it be in Christianity or Islam, the Chappelles are known for there religious inclines for centuries. A great number of the family members have -in the recent years- accepted the fastest growing religion in North America; Islam. Amongst the family members that have converted to Islam is the World Renowned Comedian Dave Chappelle.
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is undoubtedly the prophet of God. This means that anything that he says on behalf of the religion of God is Divine. Watch Bilal Bilal Philips as he affirms this through scientific evidence!
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