The Mind (part 2 of 2)

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Description: A discussion on the basic qualities of a healthy mind and what it will enable a person to do as described in the Quran.  Part 2 discusses the remaining 6 points. 

  • By Dr. Jafar Sheikh Idris
  • Published on 29 Jul 2013
  • Last modified on 09 Mar 2015
  • Printed: 113
  • Viewed: 27,133 (daily average: 7)
  • Rating: 2.6 out of 5
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5.    TheMind2.jpgThe mind enables the person to make intelligent choices about what is good for him and what is harmful and should be rejected. 

"And the worldly life is no more but play and diversion, surely the last abode is better for those who are pious, then will you not understand?"(6:32).  "Surely We have revealed to you a Book in which is a message for you, will you then not understand?"(Quran 21:10)

6.    People of intellect are able to give up immediate, short-lived benefits in favor of eventually gaining more valuable, eternal joy. 

"Whatever you have been given of things, they are only the worldly possessions of this life and its glitter, but that which is with God is better and everlasting.  Have you then no sense?"(28:10).  In other verses, there is no direct mention of sense, but it can be inferred that sensible people will be able to choose to wait for what is further away, yet more meaningful.  For example,"O you who believe, what is amiss with you, that when it is said to you, ‘March forth in the cause of God (to fight)’, you cling excessively to the earth.  Are you content with the life of this world, rather than the Hereafter? Yet joy on this world, compared to the Hereafter, is but little."(Quran 9:38)

7.    People of intellect are able to learn valuable lessons from the events of life. 

      In the Surah of al-Ankabut (Chapter 29) verse 35 tells us that the remains of the town of the people of Loot remained in order to remind people and teach them that rejecting the teachings of God and committing atrocities will always have regrettable consequences. "And we have left a clear sign of it for people who possess intellects."This is also referred to in verse 40 of Surah al-Furqan (Chapter 25),"And surely they must have passed by the town that was rained on by an evil rain, did they not see it? But they were hoping not to be raised again (from the graves)."

8.    The mind enables us to learn from the lessons of history. 

"And We have not sent before you any but men from among the people of the towns.  We revealed to them.  Have they not traveled in the land, have they not seen how was the end of those before them? And the abode of the Hereafter is better for those who fear God.  Do you not then understand?"(Quran 12:109).

9.    The mind enables us to understand and appreciate the signs of the Creator, while here on earth. 

"Surely in the creation of the heavens and the earth, in the disparity of the night and the day, in the ships that course in the sea with that which benefits people, in the water that God sends down from the sky, reviving with it the earth after it was barren, in His spreading in it all kinds of living things, in the changing of the winds and the subjected clouds between the heaven and the earth, indeed are signs for people who have understanding."(2:164).  "For you, God subjected the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, and the stars are in subjection to His command.  Surely in this are signs for people for people who understand."(Quran 16:12).

10.  Sensible people will know to treat others with respect, particularly in their dealings with the prophets.

Surah of al-Hujurat (Chapter 49) refers to people who harassed the Prophet, may God praise him:"Surely those who call out to you from behind the chambers, most of them do not possess minds."

The qualities of the mind discussed are fairly indisputable and it is accepted by most people that a person who lacks these qualities will be seen as unreasonable or lacking in various ways.  Thus the Quran has reminded us that certain behaviors are inconsistent with an intelligent and sound mind.

We must remember also that there are many verses of the Quran that do not specifically mention the mind; but indicate that thoughtful and reasonable people will be able to follow the way of God - making good use of their God-given gift:the mind.

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