The daughter of a southern Baptist preacher finds her way to Islam. Part 2: Her journey to Islam begins with a series of questions and encounter with two Muslim girls.
A brief commentary of Chapter 107 of the Holy Quran.
These verses talk about the characteristics of those who deny the Judgement Day
or are heedless of it.
In this episode AbdurRaheem Green discusses the Creator, and the need to have a rational understanding of the creator, and how Islam has a view upon the idea of God that balances with man's natural instinct.
7 reasons for why we must worship God and dedicate all
acts of worship to Him alone. Part 1: Knowledge of God is essential to understanding
why God is worthy of our worship.
Main Speaker: Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (
In this episode of The Deen Show Dr. Brown explains some of the primary differences between the taproot of the message of Jesus and the Pauline Doctrine.
Shazad Mohammed, an Ambassador of Peace with the UN, President of The Canadian Dawah Association, and a Former DJ, accepted Islam 10 years ago. Watch as he describes his journey to Islam, and how Islam has affected his life, as well as the lives of many prominent individuals.
A brief commentary of Chapter 11 (verses 61-123) of the
Holy Quran. They discuss the stories of great Prophets such as Lot, Abraham
and Moses, and the consequences of those who rejected their message.
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