"There is a God!", this is the same the conclusion that many scientists, thinkers, and philosophers over the centuries have accepted. Testable evidences, Scientific discoveries, and just the innate nature of man are some of the reason which led these sort of people to believe in God.
God guides whom He wills,
however, this blessing is not given arbitrarily, rather imbued with a free will
there are factors that make one worthy or unworthy of it.
A brief commentary of Chapter 5 of the Quran. It
discusses food, hunting, the pledges made by the Jews and Christians, the
afterlife, and the feast of Jesus.
Attention is drawn to ignorance and deviation and their
consequences. The people are warned not to behave like the people of the past
whose civilisations were destroyed.
In this video Yusha Evans speaks about the similarities and differences between the Islamic and Christian beliefs regarding Jesus and his birth, life and ascension to heavens.
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