In this video Dr. David Berlinski discusses a common misconception about evolution being a scientifically established fact. He argues that evolution has always been a mere theory and that scientists never established a consensus on this subject.
This series of articles provide a conceptual framework
for answering the ‘big questions’ related to our existence. Part 2 urges us to
reflect on what actually is success and whether our existence has a purpose.
Human imagination is limited since it is based on what
it observes and experiences, and this is why our imagination cannot fully grasp
the concept that God is timeless and eternal, without beginning or end.
Main Speaker: [edited by]
A person may think, "Why is it that God created multiple religions? Why not just one religion? If God wanted everyone to be following one religion, why then would he create numerous religions?" In this video Dr. Naik briefly covers this point.
W. B. Bashyr Pickard B.A. (Cantab), L.D.(London), an author of wide repute whose pen-production include Layla and Majnun, The Adventures of Alcassim, and A New World, tells his tale of his quest for Islam after suffering sever injuries in WWI.
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