One of the leading Islamic personalities in America, Jamaal Zarabozo, discusses the miracle of the Quran, as how it played an influence in his journey to Islam. Part One: An Introduction to this topic, along with a brief description of the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad.
The Islamic view of the role of air, land, and soil in the environment and how conservation of these vital elements is fundamental to the preservation and continuation of life.
Main Speaker: Dr. A. Bagader, Dr. A. El-Sabbagh, Dr. M. Al-Glayand, and Dr. M. Samarrai (edited by
The following series of articles mention the Major Signs that will occur shortly before the end of the world and the coming of the Day of Judgment. This part includes the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad on the coming of the false Messiah, how to recognize him by certain physical features and other special signs.
The Quran and the basic elements of its organization, the
difference between the Quran and its translation, and a brief review of English
translations, introducing the subject of Quranic exegesis.
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