This chapter comprises of 135 verses and discusses the
story of Moses and Adam, exhorts Prophet Muhammad to patience and prayer, and
reminds us of the consequences of disbelief.
In this video Nouman Ali Khan gives a brief explanation of what Islam is, what Muslims believe in and the historical interactions of Muslims with other religions. He also tries to clear some fog around some of the misconceptions around Islam.
In this video, Dr. Fadel Soliman and Dr. Muhammad Alagroudy discuss some of the facts that prove the divine nature of the Quran. They further explain some reasons why the Quran couldn't have been authored by a human being.
In this video Waseem Razvi describes how Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) treated the non-Muslims of the region, how he was concerned for their affairs, asked of their welfare when they were not seen, and supplicated for their guidance.
The Quran is a book of eternal guidance. Along with the clear presence of divine guidance in the Quran, it also exhibits apprehensible signs of divine intervention. In this episode Nouman shares with the viewers several examples related to this topic.
The problem of evil has troubled humankind since time immemorial.
This article gives the Islamic perspective on it in a simple and logical way. Part
1: God is more than just The-Merciful and All-Powerful.
Main Speaker: Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (
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