Islam is a topic of interest for both Muslims and non-Muslims in our times. To some, Islam is a combination of strange practices that are scarcely found in other religions. Watch Joshual as he unveils the mention of Islamic rituals in other religious texts.
Adapted from Dr. Lawrence
Brown’s two articles on the Dead Sea Scrolls, ‘Five Reasons to Get Excited
about the Dead Sea Scrolls’ and ‘Five More Reasons to Get Excited about the
Dead Sea Scrolls’, where he mentions intriguing and fascinating points about
these scrolls.
It may be possible to get some ‘order’ in a system, but for an ‘organized’ system to come into existence there has to be consciousness, knowledge, design and planning.
Concluding part of the Ahmadiyyah article, includes a quick overview of the fallacies of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed, and the stance of mainstream Muslims towards Ahmadiyyah.
The Quran is a book sent to all of mankind. As a proof for the authenticity of the Quran, God placed in it various miracles. Amongst these are the scientific miracles of the Quran. This Episode deals with some scientific indications relative to the sky.
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