How idolatry crept
into Christianity. Part 3: How an effort by the Emperor of Constantinople, Leo
III to destroy images was dampened. Striking parallels between the teachings
of Christianity and some ancient civilizations.
Transcribed from a sermon
delivered at the American University in Washington DC which was attended by
Muslims and non-Muslims. Part 2: The harassment and persecution Prophet
Muhammad endured to teach humanity that nothing deserves worship except God!
Main Speaker: (edited
An analysis of the famous biblical verse “For God so
loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in
Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Part 4: A discussion on the
Christian concepts of sacrifice, atonement and redemption by faith.
A brief commentary of Chapter 7 (verses 59 to 147) of
the Holy Quran. In this part we learn important lessons from the lives of the prophets
and long gone civilisations.
The great story of the origins of creation from the
perspective of Islamic cosmology, acknowledging that God is the Creator of
everything. The article also talks about the Magnificent Throne, the
Footstool, and the Pen.
A brief commentary of Chapter 12 (verses 1-66) of the
Holy Quran. The story of Prophet Joseph is a story of suffering and
sadness, focusing on putting one’s trust in God and knowing that He is the best
of Planners. Part one sees Joseph being torn away from his loving father and
thrust into slavery, and ends with Joseph securing a high position in the
Egyptian government.
A brief commentary of Chapter 36 of the Holy Quran. This
chapter compels us to think beyond our world life and reminds us of the
Hereafter, the power of God and the consequences of our deeds.
A discussion of the last two verses of Chapter 2, that
define the basic beliefs of a Muslim, his humbleness, and relationship with
God. Part 1 discusses the basic beliefs and humankind’s accountability in the
A two article summary of fine-tuning by design, an argument
from physics for the divine creation of the universe. The original articles
with detailed citations can be read here. This
article will summarize the types and examples of fine-tuning.
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