How the believers will experience the Day of Reckoning,
and some of the qualities of the faithful that will ease their passage to the
gates of Paradise.
Main Speaker: Imam Mufti (co-author Abdurrahman Mahdi)
This article delineates the correlation between the most accepted scientific explanation of the origin and expansion of the Universe, and the description of its origin and expansion in the Quran.
A look at the various principles of Islam which
show that Islam is truly a mercy to the world, and the indiscriminate violence
and terrorism is not condoned by the religion.
The context of Jesus’ second coming, the trials
and tribulations before it, the rise of the Mahdi and the advent of Maseeh
ad-Dajjal (the False Messiah), and Jesus’ role killing him.
The following three part series consists entirely of verses
from the Holy Quran about Mary (Mother of Jesus) including her birth,
childhood, personal qualities, and the miraculous birth of Jesus.
With the arrival of the Muslims in Spain, the once arid and illiterate land became the capital of European scholarship and agriculture, where people of all faiths were granted security under Muslim rule.
Main Speaker: Dean Derhak (edited by
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