Prophet Muhammad was the prophet sent to all of humanity and for all times. With an everlasting miracle, the Quran, he led his people from the darkest of darkness to light. Many great figures over the centuries (Muslim/Non-Muslims) pondered the life of the Prophet Muhammad to derive lessons that led them to where they were.
The history of Islam and Muslims in America dates further back in history than the arrival of Columbus to the Americas. Often times people fail to recognize the immense contributions of Islam and Muslims in various civilizations. This video is just one portrait of those many contributions.
In this video Jim Marlowe, a nutritionist who has been studying nutrition for almost 40 years shares his experience about eating healthy. He was a very sickly child and suffered from a long list of chronic ailments for the first 20 years of his life.
The video is a beautiful clip from one of Khalid Yasin's lectures. He objectively tackles the issue of women being oppressed in Islam, and statistically proves his argument!
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