God being The Self-Sufficient is not in need of any of us. Rather, we are in need him as we are the created and he is The Creator. If this point is instilled in the mind of an individual he/she finds a unique determinationThere is more to life than just driking, partying, and intimacy.
The supposed discord between religion and science is a relatively new belief, mainly one brought about by theories of atheists, but many scientists in the past and present see a harmony and coherence unexplained by science. Part 2: The statements of past and present scientists who did not see a conflict between religion and science.
An Islamic Critical Evaluation of the Ideas of Some Contemporary Physicists: Part One: The eternalness of the universe and the decay of matter, and the implications of the Big Bang.
Through his first meeting with a Muslim and then numerous chats about religion, Michael sifts through the beliefs of various religions until he ends up accepting Islam.
Margaret discusses her early childhood of Sunday school, leaving and scorning all organized religion, and a class she took about Judaism and Islam in university.
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