The reason behind God’s right to the worship we offer in
exclusion to others, the ultimate purpose behind such worship, and a warning
against worshipping others along with or in exclusion to God.
One of the greatest of companions, Salman the Persian, once Zoroastrian (Magian) narrates his story of his search for the true religion of God. Part One: From Zoroastrianism to Christianity.
God has created the universe along with everything in it, and Every creation has a purpose to it. With these two prefaces in mind, it becomes clear that God has created each and everyone of us with a purpose. In this lecture Khalid Yasin delivers this topic to hundreds of people, resulting in the conversion of several people.
When Prophet Muhammad lost his son, an opponent who
hated him, made fun of him, saying that he was being ‘cut off’ without
posterity. This Meccan chapter comes to reassure the Prophet.
The finale of a three-part article discussing the
Islamic concept of Mary: Part 3: The birth of Jesus, and the importance and
respect Islam pays to Mary, the mother of Jesus.
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