In this video Dr. Jonathan Brown speaks about many studies that have proven that science has come to a conclusion that belief in God is natural while atheism is unnatural.
In this video, Dr. Zakir Naik discusses the peaceful nature of the call of Islam. He clarifies some of the common misconceptions about Islam and discusses the role of the media in corrupting the image of Islam.
In this video, Karim AbuZaid discusses some of the signs of the Final Day. He also compares between the Christian narrative of the signs and the Muslim narrative.
A powerful chapter constructed with powerful images and
sharp comments. It is a glimpse into the life to come and a potent warning for
those who are obstinate in their refusal to accept the truth.
The Quran is the greatest miracle of God and was sent to
Prophet Muhammad who is the last Prophet for all of humankind. Part 1: Some of
the types of signs of God in the Quran.
The earth has been designed specially for human life, and the intricate balances found on earth and in the universe prove the existence of God, but only for those who truly reflect.
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