The first chapter of the book “The True Religion.” The
question of how one proceeds to decipher the true religion, while all claim to
be the truth, and the use of the intellect.
An introduction to the second pillar of Islam, the
Ritual Prayer, its spiritual dimensions, the Adhan (the ‘Call to Prayer’), and
the Friday Prayer (Jumuah).
Islam is a God-centered religion. Nothing illustrates
this reality better than the verse named ‘The Greatest’ by the Prophet Muhammad,
may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him. Read this article to find out
more about this verse and its beautiful explanation of who is God.
A guide for the righteous, the consequences of hypocrisy,
and rewards for the believers. This is followed by the story of Adam, and reminders
for the children of Israel.
God has given us a brain to ponder and think with. And for this pondering, He has made available various of His creations in the pinnacle of perfection. This video details the creation of man -one of those many perfect creations that we are required to ponder upon- and outlines the mention of it in God's book (the Quran).
After being raised in a Catholic household and spending
much of his early childhood attending church, Craig rejects faith and takes to
life in the fast lane.
The second of a two-part article defining the fundamental differences between Paradise and the life of this world. Part 2: The superiority of its joys and delights in comparison to this life.
Dr. Laurence describes the event which eventually led him to explore religion and become convinced about Islam, not by mere intelligence, but a pure heart.
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