God is Al-Aware and Al-Knowing of all things. The extent of Gods knowledge is unimaginable for minds of His creation. He knows that which has been, will be, and that which hasn't been, if it was how it would be. All praise is due the Creator of the Universe.
Death is a reality that everyone is bound to face. Every religion has its own concept of the essentials of death. The Islamic tradition textually outlines the concepts of death vividly. In this lecture the speaker covers the concept of death in Islam, as well as the journey of the soul upon parting.
Quran is the final book of God revealed to mankind. God gave all of His messengers miracles to make it easier for their people to accept their Prophethood. The Quran was the main miracle given to the Prophet Muhammad. One of the miraculous things about the Quran is that it is exceptionally easy to memorize. Muhammad Islah is one of many blind students at the Noor Institute for Islamic Studies in South Africa. He has entirely memorized the final Book of God (over 600 pages).
The Creation of the universe along with everything in it, is an unequivocal proof of the oneness of God for those that ponder. Everything in this universe is in the pinnacle perfection. The sun, the moon, and the earth all run on the same orbit decreed for them by The One God. How then can one deny the Oneness of God?
God has created the universe along with everything in it. Every creation has a purpose to it. With these two prefaces in mind, it becomes clear that God has created each and everyone of us with a purpose. In this lecture Yasir Qadhi discusses this topic briefly along with a panel Q&A.
Dr. Jerald Dirks, a former Christian Minister slowly began to leave Christian belief during his days in the Harvard School of Divinity. Like many others, after being introduced to the large number of contradictions found in various Christian scriptures, he slowly began to retrogress from the Christian activist seen. Dr. Dirks is now a practicing Muslim trying to spread the understanding of the Islamic faith amongst the people.
Napoleon -2pacs Outlaws- converted to Islam and left the rap lifestyle that his songs speak of. In this video Napoleon explains the lifestyle that he was living before Islam, and how he came to Islam.
Dr. Jerald Dirks, a former Christian Minister slowly began to leave Christian belief during his days in the Harvard School of Divinity. Like many others, after being introduced to the large number of contradictions found in various Christian scriptures, he slowly began to retrogress from the Christian activist seen. Dr. Dirks is now a practicing Muslim trying to spread the understanding of the Islamic faith amongst the people.
Existence of a Creator, Sustainer, and an all Supreme Being is a concept that is not strange to most of humanity. The very nature that a person is born upon teaches him to look to the sky when in need. In this video Ibrahim Zidan mentions various reasons that make one earnestly affirm the "Existence of God".
God has created the universe along with everything in it. Every creation has a purpose to it. With these two prefaces in mind, it becomes clear that God has created each and everyone of us with a purpose. In this lecture Dr. Philips discusses this topic briefly.
Over the centuries God sent down numerous revelations to various prophets. He then put a stop to the tradition of revelations with the final book to the final prophet. Quran being the last book sent to mankind as a source guidance must have divine intervention in its preservation. In this episode Mr. Green briefly discusses this topic.
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