A trusted student of a renowned Christian scholar in former Andalusia overhears a discussion about the Paraclete, a prophet to come mentioned in the bible.
A once misguided boy finds his salvation through
the Pentecostal Church and answers his call to ministry at the age of 20, later
to become a Muslim. Part 3: “A birth from darkness into light.”
A once misguided boy finds his salvation through the Pentecostal Church and answers his call to ministry at the age of 20, later to become a Muslim. Part 2: “All that glitters is not gold.”
A once misguided boy finds his salvation through the Pentecostal Church and answers his call to ministry at the age of 20, later to become a Muslim. Part 1.
The early life and education of a Harvard Hollis
scholar and author of the book “The Cross and the Crescent”, disillusioned by
Christianity due the information learnt in its School of Theology. Part 4: “From
Cross to Crescent.”
The early life and education of a Harvard Hollis
scholar and author of the book “The Cross and the Crescent”, disillusioned by
Christianity due the information learnt in its School of Theology. Part 3: Psychological
games and the struggle to surrender.
The early life and education of a Harvard Hollis
scholar and author of the book “The Cross and the Crescent”, disillusioned by
Christianity due the information learnt in its School of Theology. Part 2: A
lack of religiousness, contact with Muslims, self-questioning, and the answer.
The early life and education of a Harvard Hollis
scholar and author of the book “The Cross and the Crescent”, disillusioned by
Christianity due to the information learnt in its School of Theology. Part 1.
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